Dumbbell Leg Curls

Can someone please tell me what a dumbbell leg curl is? I have never heard of this and really can not visualize it. thanx

Not sure but years and years ago I got these “iron boots” with a weider weight set and they would go on the bottom of your feet and connect with 2 straps over the top. They weighed about 10# each and had a hole thru the sides for a dumbell bar so you could stick a dumbell bar thru and add more weight. they were used to do leg extensions and leg curls. This was way before the fancy benches and machines you see in todays home gym. I’m guessing a modern leg curl is not done with dumbells any more but those leg curl machines where you lay on your belly and hook your ankles under some pads and curl your legs towards your butt to exercise your ham strings. stiff leg deads probably work better.

Basically, you lay face down on an inclined ab bench, head at the top, and do a leg curl while holding a dumbbell between your feet. I prefer good mornings.

If you don’t have access to a hamstring curl machine, you lie prone (on stomach) on a bench and place a dumbell between your ankles and basically squeeze your legs together and do a hamstring curl. Not the best movement, but it does the trick if you don’t have access to the machine.

In the absence of these boots or trying to hold a dumbell between your ankles (praying not to drop it at the top of the movement) I used a low pulley with the ankle strap. It was actually pretty effective at isolating the hamstrings especially using only one leg at a time.