[quote]Wreckless wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Wreckless wrote:
orion wrote:
Let them experience Sharia law, and then rebel against it themselves.
Solid plan. We save them from a brutal but secular regime, replace it by a brutal and fundamentalist regime and let them rebel against it.
Sounds like a great way to conduct the war on terror. And I bet we can even spin this to blame it on Clinton, preferably Hillary.
I do have to admire President Bush for going against the tide: …
and a load of crap.
So you admire President Bush for going against the tide?
Did you admire the Dixie Chicks for going against the tide? Because that’s what they did.
Did you admire Osama for going against the tide, because he also did.
Probably not. You just admire Bush for going against the tide.
Now hundreds of thousands of corpses later, the coalition in shambles, the war on terror side tracked, the moron HH thinks that it’s very likely that the future of the world might look like Afghanistan now.
Does this mean I don’t wait any longer for democracy to spread throughout the middle-east? Because I was holding my breath you know. Is that what you’re saying? Bush’s masterplan failed. It didn’t only fail, it backfired horribly.
Regime change has returned home, and instead of shaping Iraq to its own image, the US has succeeded in shaping the world after Iraq?
I think the idiot in charge should be shot for that.
Not so HH. He admires the man that made this all possible. His precious president Bush.
Bush didn’t go to 'Nam when he had the chance. He went AWOL from his champagne unit. But he sure went against the tide. Not himself mind you. No, he sent others against the tide.
100.000’s of people died. And the future looks bleak.
But he went against the tide. And HH admires him for that. Well that’s just fucking great.
Just like a couple of 100 of morons admire Hitler. He also went against the tide you know.
That about sums it up I guess.
Bush fucked up horrible. But hey, he gave it his best shot. We got to admire him for that.
And isn’t that Hillary a horrible bitch?
Dude, where’s my sniper rifle?[/quote]
Should I send this last line to the FBI?
Anyway, all the people you mentioned (osama, the dixie whores) were going WITH the tide toward disorder. Is that not obvious? Wow, you are dumb.