Dude, Where's My Tank?

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Wreckless wrote:
Headhunter wrote:

When his country is overrun by Moslem fanatics, he’ll scream: “But I didn’t know it!! Please send the US Army to rescue me!!” Nope. We already did that twice, so now you’re on your own.

Hey HH, you warned me about a mush room cloud a while back, remember? And other wmd. Now you warn me that my country will be run over by Muslim fanatics.

Do I look worried?

No, you look like an idiot. You want to hide your head in the sand while the evil forces creep closer to your door. The USA went bankrupt trying to protect and bring order to the world. What’s going to happen to your precious Belgium when we have our final economic collapse? We’ll probably get a Police State and you’ll be fucked.


Umm… what was the thrat in Iraq particularly again? I mean, in comparison to the other nations doing evil, like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and of course Afghanistan?

[quote]Beowolf wrote:

Umm… what was the thrat in Iraq particularly again? I mean, in comparison to the other nations doing evil, like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and of course Afghanistan?[/quote]

Violating 18 UN resolutions, going to Niger to start a nukes program, invading his neighbors, intimating that he had WMDs and would so luse same…

The last one there really pisses me off with you libs! If the guy tells you over and over again that he has WMDs, and he has shown that he’ll use them, you get pissed at the President because HE BELIEVED THE BASTARD and took him out. Would you have been forgiving if Bush had not gone in and we HAD been hit?

You Dems are just not to be believed!

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Beowolf wrote:

Umm… what was the thrat in Iraq particularly again? I mean, in comparison to the other nations doing evil, like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and of course Afghanistan?

Violating 18 UN resolutions, going to Niger to start a nukes program, invading his neighbors, intimating that he had WMDs and would so luse same…

The last one there really pisses me off with you libs! If the guy tells you over and over again that he has WMDs, and he has shown that he’ll use them, you get pissed at the President because HE BELIEVED THE BASTARD and took him out. Would you have been forgiving if Bush had not gone in and we HAD been hit?

You Dems are just not to be believed!


Umm… have you read ANYTHING!

The “evidence” was a torture victim with little to no credibility.

We KNOW Korea has nukes. We maybesortakinda thought Iraq had WMDs. So why are we in Iraq and not Korea?

We KNOW Afghanistan needed us. We kindasorta though Iraq wanted us.
So why are we in Iraq and not Afghanistan?

We KNOW we are threatened by Al Quaeda. We kindamaybesorta though we were threatened by Iraq. So why are we in Iraq, and not more actively searching out Al Quaeda in Pakistan?

[quote]Beowolf wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Beowolf wrote:

Umm… what was the thrat in Iraq particularly again? I mean, in comparison to the other nations doing evil, like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and of course Afghanistan?

Violating 18 UN resolutions, going to Niger to start a nukes program, invading his neighbors, intimating that he had WMDs and would so luse same…

The last one there really pisses me off with you libs! If the guy tells you over and over again that he has WMDs, and he has shown that he’ll use them, you get pissed at the President because HE BELIEVED THE BASTARD and took him out. Would you have been forgiving if Bush had not gone in and we HAD been hit?

You Dems are just not to be believed!

Umm… have you read ANYTHING!

The “evidence” was a torture victim with little to no credibility.

We KNOW Korea has nukes. We maybesortakinda thought Iraq had WMDs. So why are we in Iraq and not Korea?

We KNOW Afghanistan needed us. We kindasorta though Iraq wanted us.
So why are we in Iraq and not Afghanistan?

We KNOW we are threatened by Al Quaeda. We kindamaybesorta though we were threatened by Iraq. So why are we in Iraq, and not more actively searching out Al Quaeda in Pakistan?

Iraq is a oil-rich country. With oil dollars at his disposal (thanks to Kofi Anan), Saddam would have nukes for sure by now. Then again, maybe not…want to chance it?

[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Violating 18 UN resolutions[quote]

Israel has violated, and is violating a lot more resolutions. Note that the number would be a lot higher if it weren’t for US vetoes.

Again, The US and Israel do it all the time.

Olmert’s slip on nuclear ambiguity of Israel?

No. We’re pissed precisely because YOU BELIEVE THE BASTARD (i.e: Bush) and did not take him out.

The US is at a much higher risk of being hit by terrorists now than it had ever been at the time of Saddam.

Plus, do you ever think about the +600K of people who died as a result of the war?

[quote]lixy wrote:
Headhunter wrote:
Violating 18 UN resolutions

Israel has violated, and is violating a lot more resolutions. Note that the number would be a lot higher if it weren’t for US vetoes.

going to Niger to start a nukes program

invading his neighbors

Again, The US and Israel do it all the time.

intimating that he had WMDs and would so luse same…

Olmert’s slip on nuclear ambiguity of Israel?

you get pissed at the President because HE BELIEVED THE BASTARD and took him out.

No. We’re pissed precisely because YOU BELIEVE THE BASTARD (i.e: Bush) and did not take him out.

Would you have been forgiving if Bush had not gone in and we HAD been hit?

The US is at a much higher risk of being hit by terrorists now than it had ever been at the time of Saddam.

Plus, do you ever think about the +600K of people who died as a result of the war?[/quote]

Well, reading what you wrote reminded me of what I sometimes say to my students when they have wrote a page full of nonsense: “What are you doing?” Always gets a laugh from the class.

Allah u Akbar!!!