Hey all, I train with 2-Scoops and Conorh, I normally keep my log on 'Bolex, but I decided I might well start posting here, mainly to piss Conor off with my excessively complex training… here it is, starting with today:
Happy with my strength right now… I am feeling strong as hell, but very beat up from yesterday’s DL session, so no cardio today. This means I have to run for the next 3 days straight… this is gonna suck. A lot.
so what is this stress factor thing? can you calculate my stress factor? and can you put this stress factor in context by giving some sort of chart as to which stress factor i should shoot for or what is to much and what is to little and if my stress factor is to high does that mean i’ll get adrenal fatigue? do i already have adrenal fatigue?
cuz i’m tired quite a bit especially after lifting and i need an excuse to make myself feel better about my numbers not going up. and did you know that i’ve never heard anyone strong actually mention adrenal fatigue? that must mean they don’t know about it. oh and you should write down how long each training session is, but you should first measure the amount of time it takes you to eat one oreo, then measure your workout times in oreos. hahahahahaha
1.5 miles, .1 mile sprints
Stress factor= 10
This was tough today, everything was cramping and joints were very achy. Decided to scrap 2nd session for the day.
Session 2:
Box squat
1" below parallel
Loading pattern: Intensity
225x4 @RPE 1
315x4 @2
365x4 @4 (85%)
Projected max: 429
This didn’t move nearly as fast as it should have… whatever, hit my goal for the day!
CG Bench
225x5 @1
275x2 @1
315x2 @2
345x2 @4
(Heavier than it should be… moved grip out to pinkies on rings)
370x2 @5 (5lb PR!)
Projected Max: 389
Small PR, but I will take them where I can get them, especially now that I am off cycle.
Lat Pull
100x20x2 @2/2
Tbar Row
135x10 @1
160x10 @1
180x10 @2
Hammer Curl
35x20 @X
Skull Crushers
45x10 @1
65x10 @1
85x10 @2
Total Stress Factor= 46
GAWDDAMN I am sore… haven’t done any sort of volume on squats for months! Not sure if I will be able to keep up the 3x3 setup after this week though, I am going into a caloric deficit and this kind of workload is almost impossible to keep up. Will probably go back to the standard 2 upper/2lower setup, but I am not happy about it…
275x11 (PR, had a few left)
Shirt on
495x2 3b
545x2 2b
585x2 2b (took pretty much all I had, shirt is REALLY loose, sending back to Rudy tomorrow)