I’m curious to know how androgens and growth hormone stimulate the nervous system? Also with that, how would taking stimulants (caffiene up to amphetamines) affect training while on androgens and a high intensity low volume programe? Thank you for you efforts.
my opinion: long-acting andrgens(testosterone enanthate) stimulates the nervous system only mildly. the fast acting crap-androgenic orals (anadrol, dianabol,haltestin and methyltestosterone) do it more. You also become more aggressive. gh doesn t do it at all.caffein is extremely stimulating if you aren t a regular coffee drinker.The even more potent amphetamine turns you into a pathetic being who thinks he s a nuclear-powered training-machine. A guy actually jumped from the roof of my gym building shouting fu.k you!!!He had an ez-bar in his hands…
evrybody thought he was a resonable guy.
Yes he had started using amph.
one should never combine anything with amph.
i ve never used it personally but i ve seen it
being used by others.
I only use a stimulant(coffeine) once a week on back day so that i can feel my lats a little better while i m training them.
Why dhy don t you try using coffeine?
It s easy to get hooked, as stimulants tend to
make you want to jump out of your skin.
If you use stimulants regularily you won t be able to sleep anymore.They also raise blood-pressure , especially while training.Doesn t feel too good.i d stay to the stimulating effect of androgens.