What happens if you piss hot in a drug tested federation? What is the likelihood of getting tested? Is the drug tested for actually drugs as in weed and coke or like steroids?
You go to federal prison for 17 years
I’ve never pissed hot but I’ve been tested. My federation (USAPL) tends to test randomly selected individuals who have significantly increased their totals or are recent registrants to the federation.
My tests were for roids and masking agents, such as diuretics. I do not believe they test for good drugs at local meets - it’s too expensive - but don’t quote me on that. I do not know if they test for good drugs at larger meets.
Why don’t you just not compete in a drug tested federation if you’re worried about failing a test?
It depends on what federation you compete in I imagine. In ours (CPU - IPF Affiliate) you’re suspended for 4 years. Our testing is WADA administered by the Canadian Council for ethics in sports. Some tests are done in contest and some are done out of contest. In contest testing has a broader spectrum of what is included and can include non performance enhancers such as weed etc. Out of contest is peds. Bottom line, for year suspension plus you look like a dick.
I doubt any of them give a shit if you smoked meth or snorted things before your meet, I don’t think they’re obliged to report you if that’s what you’re worried about (don’t do drugs), but they may or may not let you compete. It depends on the fed, but I’m pretty sure most, if not all, will ban you for any PED. It will also go on your record with that fed so probably you will be tested all the time should you compete again.
Also, it’s not that difficult to pass a drug test.
[quote]Haldor wrote:
Also, it’s not that difficult to pass a drug test.[/quote]
Also, it’s not that fucking hard to find an untested meet. That’s what you should have said here.
Threads like this make me cringe. Fuck you for cheating when there are legitimate pathways to avoid competing against natural competitors. Powerlifting is one of the few sports out there where there is high level competition that is both tested and non-tested. It’s not like baseball or football or any of the major sports, where this is just one major league. You have no excuse for competing against natural lifters if you aren’t one.
Seriously. Fuck you.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]Haldor wrote:
Also, it’s not that difficult to pass a drug test.[/quote]
Also, it’s not that fucking hard to find an untested meet. That’s what you should have said here.
Threads like this make me cringe. Fuck you for cheating when there are legitimate pathways to avoid competing against natural competitors. Powerlifting is one of the few sports out there where there is high level competition that is both tested and non-tested. It’s not like baseball or football or any of the major sports, where this is just one major league. You have no excuse for competing against natural lifters if you aren’t one.
Seriously. Fuck you.
See ‘look like a dick’ post above.
We take it very seriously and I can’t understand why you’d bother competing in a tested federation if you’re using. It’s not like most people are getting more than a clap on the back and a ‘good job buddy’ after a good meet.
[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]Haldor wrote:
Also, it’s not that difficult to pass a drug test.[/quote]
Also, it’s not that fucking hard to find an untested meet. That’s what you should have said here.
Threads like this make me cringe. Fuck you for cheating when there are legitimate pathways to avoid competing against natural competitors. Powerlifting is one of the few sports out there where there is high level competition that is both tested and non-tested. It’s not like baseball or football or any of the major sports, where this is just one major league. You have no excuse for competing against natural lifters if you aren’t one.
Seriously. Fuck you.
See ‘look like a dick’ post above.
We take it very seriously and I can’t understand why you’d bother competing in a tested federation if you’re using. It’s not like most people are getting more than a clap on the back and a ‘good job buddy’ after a good meet.[/quote]
I wasn’t encouraging OP to enter tested meets while on PE, I was just stating the reality. I agree with both of you, but if you expect everyone in tested meets to be all time natural then I don’t know what to tell you. The world isn’t fair and there are people out there that will step on others and cheat just to get ahead. The people that aren’t sensible enough to play it fair won’t be deterred by a lecture on morality.
I am competing in a tested meet in June and I expect that there will be people there that are not natural considering that they will be testing only 10% of lifters at random. Will I be fuming at the meet, clenching my fists wishing hateful shit on them? Probably not. There is only so much you can do.
Edit: And to add to that, if you have probable cause to call someone out, by all means do it, but at the same time it will never be 100% fair. Unless of course every fed invests in sate of the art equipment and tests everyone year round. Which won’t happen.
We take drug testing seriously…Jessie Norris totals a WR in a tested meet…lmao okay then
[quote]amayakyrol wrote:
We take drug testing seriously…Jessie Norris totals a WR in a tested meet…lmao okay then[/quote]
By ‘we’ I mean the federation in which I compete in my country. I certainly don’t speak for anyone else. We do take it very seriously. If you test positive you become somewhat of a pariah because no one else can train or compete with you because they risk suspension themselves by doing so.
[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
[quote]amayakyrol wrote:
We take drug testing seriously…Jessie Norris totals a WR in a tested meet…lmao okay then[/quote]
By ‘we’ I mean the federation in which I compete in my country. I certainly don’t speak for anyone else. We do take it very seriously. If you test positive you become somewhat of a pariah because no one else can train or compete with you because they risk suspension themselves by doing so.[/quote]
you can’t train with someone who’s tested positive? Is that a real thing? That seems like a bit much if it is.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
[quote]amayakyrol wrote:
We take drug testing seriously…Jessie Norris totals a WR in a tested meet…lmao okay then[/quote]
By ‘we’ I mean the federation in which I compete in my country. I certainly don’t speak for anyone else. We do take it very seriously. If you test positive you become somewhat of a pariah because no one else can train or compete with you because they risk suspension themselves by doing so.[/quote]
you can’t train with someone who’s tested positive? Is that a real thing? That seems like a bit much if it is.[/quote]
Yes. That is the case. I haven’t heard of that being enforced but it has been brought up on more than one occasion most recently with respect to a suspended lifter competing in an unsanctioned meet with a number of our lifters. The suspended lifter withdrew from the meet since he didn’t want to create a problem and intended to return when his suspension was up.
The bottom line is that you are the company you keep and you are judged by that company.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
you can’t train with someone who’s tested positive? Is that a real thing? That seems like a bit much if it is.[/quote]
I’ve heard of it happening, but its hard to dig up any specifics. I would think really high profile lifters would be the only targets of that kind of scrutiny, though, and even then its rare. Jesse Norris hasn’t been banned from USAPL even though he’s competed at Raw Unity, where I’m sure there’s more than a few lifters who’ve been popped in the past (though he is banned from IPF-specific competition for even being at RUM.)
And on the topic of Jesse Norris: he’s an interesting case when it comes to USAPL and drug testing. He’s been surprise tested many times, including prior to RUM 7 by USAPL officials who just happened to be present, but none of his lifts from within USAPL competition have been counted as American Records, even though they obviously are. Its more than possible that he wasn’t even tested at the meet where he broke the WR, since testing is only mandatory for American Records, and his lifts were never submitted as such. That doesn’t mean he was using, necessarily, but he’s such an enormous outlier that its hard to imagine he’s clean.
I don’t know a single competitive powerlifter who believes Jesse Norris is clean, lol.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I don’t know a single competitive powerlifter who believes Jesse Norris is clean, lol.[/quote]
I don’t think there’s many rational people who would think he’s clean, I just don’t like to be definitive about it when the only proof we’ve got is, “he’s too goddamn strong.” Honestly, I’m surprised he stills bothers to compete in USAPL since he can’t compete at Raw Worlds and his total is so far out of whack that everyone just assumes he’s skirting the testing.
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I don’t know a single competitive powerlifter who believes Jesse Norris is clean, lol.[/quote]
Although I will give everyone the benefit of the doubt about being clean, it’s pretty damn hard to do that with Jesse, lol.
[quote]TB284 wrote:
[quote]flipcollar wrote:
I don’t know a single competitive powerlifter who believes Jesse Norris is clean, lol.[/quote]
I don’t think there’s many rational people who would think he’s clean, I just don’t like to be definitive about it when the only proof we’ve got is, “he’s too goddamn strong.” Honestly, I’m surprised he stills bothers to compete in USAPL since he can’t compete at Raw Worlds and his total is so far out of whack that everyone just assumes he’s skirting the testing.[/quote]
Why can’t he compete at Raw Worlds?
My understanding is that IPF has a rule that if you compete in out-of-fed competition (RUM in Jesse’s case), you’re banned from IPF competition for one year. Local affiliates aren’t included in that, so USAPL is still open to him.
[quote]TB284 wrote:
My understanding is that IPF has a rule that if you compete in out-of-fed competition (RUM in Jesse’s case), you’re banned from IPF competition for one year. Local affiliates aren’t included in that, so USAPL is still open to him.[/quote]
I’d never heard of that one. We have a number of members who compete in several federations. The only caveat is that they have to ensure there are no suspended lifters also competing.
[quote]ouroboro_s wrote:
I’d never heard of that one. We have a number of members who compete in several federations. The only caveat is that they have to ensure there are no suspended lifters also competing.[/quote]
I hadn’t really gotten the full story, that could be where the difference comes in in Jesse’s case. There are certainly IPF-banned lifters at RUM.