[quote]HunterKiller wrote:
I need to correct myself, I don’t do drop sets. I do drop like sets without lowering the weight taking a 4-5 second break between sets, doing 5-7 sets. Is there anything wrong with this?[/quote]
Those aren’t drop sets, those are “rest-pause” sets. Personally I really like rest-pause (though certainly wouldn’t do 5-7 sets of rest-pause), but once again, I wouldn’t suggest for beginners to do rest-pause. They don’t really need to. Save the advanced techniques for when you are advanced and actually need them.
Why are you fighting us so hard on this? You came to this site looking for advice, so clearly that shows that you realize that you don’t “know it all” when it comes to building muscle. That’s a good step.
But, you seem to be fervently arguing with the good advice that has been given to you. Why? Do you honestly believe that we are trying to lead you in the wrong direction? What would we have to gain by doing that? We’re willing to take time out of our busy schedules to try to help you and give you the best advice that we can. Yet you seem to be acting like we’re somehow trying to sabotage you, or keep the secret training method of drop sets to ourselves.
Listen, like I said before, we’ve all been where you are now. We’ve probably all experimented with God knows how many different training techniques, programs, frequencies, you name it we’ve probably tried it. And yet it seems like we’re all giving you the same advice; “stick to the basics, get your diet right and rest enough.”
We’re just trying to help you to wade through the vast sea of information available these days on building muscle and to show you not only what works, but also what is most appropriate for you at this point in time. Honestly most of us probably wish that we had someone who was kind (and knowledgeable) enough to do that for us when we started out (I know I do). Then maybe many of us wouldn’t have wasted literally years in some cases (or perhaps even decades) of our time worrying about minutia, or doing workouts that left us with little if anything to show for it.
Once again, the advice that we’re giving you will help you reach your goals. Do as myself and Scott have suggested; work on getting as strong as you can on your lifts and eating and resting enough to allow for growth. Don’t sweat the small stuff.