Been on trt for years. Always tried to get off with 10 restarts (scaly pct, etc). Got on trt because TT was 150-200 secondary to a vericocele which I got fixed but had for years.
2 weeks ago I dropped my hcg and kept my trt test at 100mg a week. Added lupron to the regimen at 40mcg every 3 days and my LH just a few days ago rose to .4 (it was always unmeasurable). Normal range is over 1.5.
Any hope I can get off trt and maintain on lupron? I do feel tired
Have you tried a restart since you’re varicocele operation? What was the nature of the previously failed attempts. Did your LH/FSH increase while using SERMs?
Was HCG working for you out of interest? Currently attempting a restart and interested in your story as you’ve obviously got a lot of experience with restarts.
Yes hcg was working for me but hated that it increased my estrogen so then I needed an AI etc and just wished I was natural so I wouldn’t need all these exogenous compounds.
Honestly, felt my best on test 150 a week plus 300 iu hcg every 3 days…
I had the same issues with HCG. Can’t seem to control e2 even with AI and I don’t want to run test only and have tiny balls.
HCG monotherapy might be an option for you if you can tolerate it and are secondary. My hormone markers were all spot on with 500IU EOD and I felt good.
Best of luck man. As for leuprolide, I have no idea sorry, maybe someone more knowledgeable will have input.
I’d hypothesise based in the info you’ve given that maybe there’s some anomaly with your receptors shutting your pituitary off.
Maybe with the higher dose of Test there were enough androgens to resolve symptoms. Very loose hypothesis which is completely unsupported.