So, I’m attempting an HPTA restart after being diagnosed with Hypogonadism 6 years ago and being on TRT ever since. The reason I’m doing this is because I changed doctors. For the past 6 years, I’ve been going to an anti-aging clinic because it was my only viable option if I wanted, what was considered at the time, the best treatment (ample amounts of injectable Testosterone Cypionate, aromatase inhibitors, and HCG). Gradually, over the course of 6 years, with lots of trial and error and over a dozen blood tests, I dialed into a protocol that alleviated all symptoms of hypogonadism while minimizing side effects. That protocol was 77 mg test cyp/wk divided into EOD sub q injections. That’s all. No AI. No HCG. FYI - I’m 40 yrs old, 5’9", 177 lbs, 12% BF.
Why did I change doctors? The anti-aging clinic is a rip off when you can get a good endo to prescribe injectable testosterone if you truly are testosterone deficient in the clinical sense. So I found an endo who specializes in TRT and is only 5 mile from home. He spent over an hour with me on my first visit which I appreciated. He looked over my medical records meticulously. His final decision was to attempt a clomid restart over the course of 6 weeks since I am secondary. He said if it fails, at least he will know how much testosterone to prescribe based on my current protocol and lab results. I’m really curious to see if the restart works, but honestly, I’m not that hopeful.
My restart protocol has been 500 IU HCG every day for 1 week combined with 25 mg of clomid every day. After week 1, just 25 mg clomid every day for the remaining 5 weeks. So far, I feel just okay. I think the clomid is keeping my testosterone in a healthy range, but my libido tanked. The clomid has a calming effect for me almost like it’s killed all anxiety. I’m wondering if it’s messing with my serotonin/dopamine balance. Anyway, strength is still good, sleep is fine, energy levels are okay. For two weeks in, I can’t complain. Luckily my wife is understanding of the libido issue and supports the restart attempt.
I posted my labs below from my very first blood test in 2013 and my baseline after initial visit with new endo (while on trt).
Pre-TRT Lab Results 1 from Aug 2013
Total Testosterone, Serum: 238 ng/dL Low (348 – 1197)
Free Testosterone (Direct): 5.8 Low (8.7 – 25.1)
FSH: 1.3 Low (1.5 – 12.4)
LH: 3.1 (1.7 - 8.6)
Lab Results from Sep 2019 (Protocol consisted of subcutaneous injections of 11 ml (22 mg) of Test Cyp EOD, or 77 mg per week)
Total Testosterone, Equilib: 701 ng/dL (264 - 916)
Testosterone, Free: 21.52 ng/dL High (5.00 - 21.00)
*Estrogens, Total: 159 ng/dL High (40 - 115)
Cortisol AM: 9.0 ug/dL (6.2 - 19.4)
FSH: 0.1 mIU/L Low (1.5 -12.4)
LH: 0.1 mIU/L Low (1.7 - 8.6)
*Note: Based on my math, my E2 would be approximately 54 ng/dL (lab range, <39), assuming proportionality.
Lab Results from Oct 3rd 2019 (25 mg clomid ED)
Coming soon!
Total Testosterone