I’m in for a race but it’ll be a while, Best Bench is a hideously ugly 410X1@244 with what some people would call a pause haven’t gone for a max since the first day of September. Maxing again in February fingers crossed for 430-440@255-260 but 500 raw has been the dream by 23 for a long time and friendly competition is always helpful.
ill join.
currently im at 470 x 1 (grinder)
currently on a deload week for sore elbows.
so 470x1, @295bw. age 28
500 Is my White Whale, so I’m in. I doubled 405 over the summer pretty easily, and I probably had 425-430 in me before my shoulder started giving me trouble again. I’m hoping to get 440-450 by this summer, maybe more if my shoulder holds up. I’m 215 in the mornings.
Glad this thread was bumped. Im on my second week of 5/3/1. So wont be going very heavy tonight. I hit 475 touch and go back in october. But I’m basing my program off of my meet bench. Which was 450.