Drive for 500lb Raw Bench Press Part4

Thanks for the support StormTheBeach. What are you at now?
I wish you the best of luck with your goals.


I figure at their bodyweights it shouldn’t take too long. those are some heavy dudes.

[quote]Michael Petrella wrote:
Thanks for the support StormTheBeach. What are you at now?
I wish you the best of luck with your goals.


I was right around 435-445 at about 280. Then I cut 51lbs for a deadlift meet. I am on my way back up in terms of bodyweight but my bench is down to 405-415.

Thanks, and good luck to you guys as well.

[quote]StormTheBeach wrote:

[quote]Michael Petrella wrote:
Thanks for the support StormTheBeach. What are you at now?
I wish you the best of luck with your goals.


I was right around 435-445 at about 280. Then I cut 51lbs for a deadlift meet. I am on my way back up in terms of bodyweight but my bench is down to 405-415.

Thanks, and good luck to you guys as well.[/quote]

the AIDS will definitely make you cut some serious weight:)

HA! Yea, it was the best diet ever.

This is awesome!

I just put Part 2 online. Training has been going well for the athletes. Both Mike and TJ have committed to going to the WPC Canadian Nationals in Toronto this spring. They are thinking of going into a “100 Raw meet” just outside of Toronto in Feb but more set on winning the nationals and making it to the worlds for WPC.
TJ has a slight lead in the voting at this point.

Merry Christmas everyone.


I got a couple of messages on e-mail, facebook, etc. Sorry about only taking a picture of Mike hitting a 420. Someone played with my camera and when I went to hit the button all I got was some delayed picture and no video at all. Mike did hit a 420 clean and in my opinion made it look more solid then his 412.5 in the first video.
I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.
UPDATE: Both athletes did go down with a flu/cold/not feeling well due to New Years celebrations. Hope to get them back on track this week. We will be switching over to a much higher rep range for the next portion of the drive.


It’s been awhile posting updates on here but the boys have been hard at work. Here is update #3. TJ and Mike are working there reps up. As you can see Mike is pulling ahead in the numbers but TJ is still holding a slight lead in the voting. Recently we picked up some Ivanko Calibrated plates at the gym which is making things nicer. All bench training is done on a buddy capps Texas Powerbar.


The lean mass will dominate.

If I were you guys I’d focus on getting rid of your man boobs.
It would be nice to see some lifters who are below 40% BF.

[quote]HollywoodAIP wrote:
If I were you guys I’d focus on getting rid of your man boobs.
It would be nice to see some lifters who are below 40% BF.[/quote]

oh  wow did you come up with that one all by yourself?,  why dont you focus on being stronger?  it would be nice to see some smaller guys who dont have to bitch and complain  because we are stronger than them...   by  the   the lean mass will lose...   dutch strength will reign supreme!!

So am I to understand that this is about to become a bodyfat debate?
Oh, I see now, because they don’t have six packs, than suddenly the weight on the bar doesn’t weigh as much?
Seems like the haters always have something to say. They will always brag about their lifts, like it makes them the shit. Then, someone out lifts them, and suddenly they become “Quality Control” and want to start with the whole
“You didn’t touch your chest”
“You bounced it off your chest”
“You didn’t lock out all the way”
“Arching the back it cheating”
“Wide grip is cheating”
“Well I can lift more than you pound for pound”
etc etc etc

Looks to me like these guys are laying on a bench, then they support a bar loaded with X-amount of weight at arms length, lower it to their bodies, then press it back up. Enough said.

Good lifts.

[quote]Skyler King wrote:
So am I to understand that this is about to become a bodyfat debate?
Oh, I see now, because they don’t have six packs, than suddenly the weight on the bar doesn’t weigh as much?
Seems like the haters always have something to say. They will always brag about their lifts, like it makes them the shit. Then, someone out lifts them, and suddenly they become “Quality Control” and want to start with the whole
“You didn’t touch your chest”
“You bounced it off your chest”
“You didn’t lock out all the way”
“Arching the back it cheating”
“Wide grip is cheating”
“Well I can lift more than you pound for pound”
etc etc etc

Looks to me like these guys are laying on a bench, then they support a bar loaded with X-amount of weight at arms length, lower it to their bodies, then press it back up. Enough said.

Good lifts. [/quote]
Couldint have said it better. X2

But i do have them beat in bench :smiley:

[quote]Singingbear78 wrote:
But i do have them beat in bench :D[/quote]

I think the technical term for someone with your condition his referred to as “Bad ass”.
Sorry to be the one to break the news, but if you keep going on the way you have so farr, you may be faced with living the rest of your life as a “Bad ass”.
I’ll give you time to break the news to your friend’s and family…

[quote]tomstoffelsen wrote:

[quote]HollywoodAIP wrote:
If I were you guys I’d focus on getting rid of your man boobs.
It would be nice to see some lifters who are below 40% BF.[/quote]

oh  wow did you come up with that one all by yourself?,  why dont you focus on being stronger?  it would be nice to see some smaller guys who dont have to bitch and complain  because we are stronger than them...   by  the   the lean mass will lose...   dutch strength will reign supreme!![/quote]

I do focus on strength and I am stronger than you.

videos hollywoodAIP?
its always nice to see strong guys who are also “in shape”

[quote]HERC410 wrote:
videos hollywoodAIP?
its always nice to see strong guys who are also “in shape” [/quote]

[quote]HollywoodAIP wrote:

[quote]HERC410 wrote:
videos hollywoodAIP?
its always nice to see strong guys who are also “in shape” [/quote]

You kinda look like a short fat guy.