Drinking Oil?

i did some searches and didnt really find anything.

Basicly on my Protein/Fat meals, if im not making up the fat in either, whole eggs, peanut butter,mayo or cheese. I pretty much just measure of the amount i need in straight oil and chug it back…

I have no problem downing shots of oil, i can handle the taste and i find it pretty convenient actually. The secret is in the brand of oil, its amazing how diffrent some oils can taste. I normally alternate between flax oil and olive oil, always cold pressed virgin. And i`d eat chicken breast for protein side of it.

So recently, only on rest days, i started swopping some of the late afternoon and dinner time Protein/carb meals for protein/fat. seeing as though im resting and not burning/using the carbs. ANd i go to bed pretty early on rest days, i will be hitting the sack witha belly full of rice…

does oil not just get stored as fat in the same way as carbs?
do you guys drink straight oil or am being weird? is there any reason why i should not chug oil back like this?

any replies are appreciated


Many people take shots of oil, it is very convenient. I have not yet met anybody who consumes fish oil in another manner.

And oil does not get stored the same way as carbs, oils are fats, carbs are carbs. Was your question worded improperly or did you really overlook this fact?

A lot of people think excess fat will lead to greater fat gains than excess carbohydrates. This is because carbohydrates are not readily available as fat, whereas fat is readily available as fat. It’s pretty obvious a point however it makes sense and most don’t really think about it.

As a side note, oil is fat, fat is oil.

Calories are calories for the most part :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: As long as you’re precise about how many grams of fat your chugging you should be good. But if you’re just haphazardly taking shots of oil w/out knowing how many grams of fat you’re intaking, you could be throwing your daily cals out of whack. I mean 1 oz is 27 grams of fat (~238 cals). Not too bad if all you’re eating is that and a chicken breast. But do you know exactly if what you’re taking is an ounce or could it be more/less? I’d probably get bored of taking fat shots anyways. I prefer chicken fried in coconut oil. You can add 100 different variations of spices to make mexican, asian, italian, etc. Plus the MCTs in the coconut oil are burned more readily than in EVOO or Flax (Yes I know I just contradicted myself). Consider reading this article for a little more insight Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION (although you may have already)

Thanks for the replies.

good stuff. i shall carry on chugging them down

I think you got me right. I am asking how the body stores energy from oil if you dont use/burn it, and whether it happens the same as carbs, ie : blubber

yeah i know exactly how many grams of oil i take everytime. Im quite anal like that… I measure pretty much everything i consume…
Thanks for the link. i think i read it before but am reading it again right now
oh and with regards to the spices on chicken, I bake all my chicken in the oven and have a variety of spice i sprinkle over them before baking… keeps it interresting.


Maybe i can word it like this then

If i was to do nothing, no exersize and consume just what i need to maintain my weight,

then i go and consume 200kcal of carbs or 200kcal of fat,

is there a difference in the amount of carbs that get stored as fat vs the amount of fat stored as fat, or is 200kcal just 200kcal and will get stored in equal measures no matter from where the 200kcal came from?


Just stumbled across this article.

an excerpt from the article

"The difference isn’t in how the calories are “burned” so much as in how excess calories are stored.

Excess carbohydrate calories must be converted to triglycerides before they can be stored as body fat. This process requires over 25% of the energy stored in the food. Thus, if you took in 100 Calories of pure carbohydrate in excess of your body’s needs, you’d only store about 75 Calories worth of fat, since you used up some of the energy in the conversion process.

Fat, on the other hand, is fat to begin with. It only takes about 3% of the energy in it to put it up on the larder shelf, as it were. Thus, 100 Calories from fat in excess of your body’s needs can end up as 97 Calories worth of saddlebag."

LOL…please educated yourself by reading something along the lines of the Anabolic Diet before handing out useless advice like a calorie is a calorie…Haven’t you guys ever heard of insulin?

“On the other hand unused sugar is converted into stored fat, very quickly - and the fact that the body stores very little sugar means that if it is not used quickly it will be converted into fat. Also, the body does not store fat unless insulin is released - which only happens when you eat sugar.”

also from that article

its making more sense to me…slowly

[quote]whiplash7 wrote:
“On the other hand unused sugar is converted into stored fat, very quickly - and the fact that the body stores very little sugar means that if it is not used quickly it will be converted into fat. Also, the body does not store fat unless insulin is released - which only happens when you eat sugar.”

also from that article

its making more sense to me…slowly[/quote]

You’re making some progress :slight_smile:

hehehe… i am

the carbs give the insulin spike and that causes fat storage,

thats why we dont eat carbs and fats together,

But the fat alone dont give you the spike so less fat storage.

i actually remeber researching this now

been doing too much reading and its all getting muddled up inmy head man.

Now you’ve got the very basics and can start to implement them-there different type of carbs and they need to be taken at certain times etc. etc…(obviously there are MANY theories and variables, but you will get the jist of it as you go along…) Feel free to post your conclusions for comment…

Fats are not oils are oils are not fats. Fats and oils are lipids though.
The other thing to remember is that plant oils like olive oil do have some cholesterol (but not much) which is a good thing, providing your body with the raw materials for steroid hormones.

[quote]whiplash7 wrote:
hehehe… i am

the carbs give the insulin spike and that causes fat storage,

thats why we dont eat carbs and fats together,

But the fat alone dont give you the spike so less fat storage.

i actually remeber researching this now

been doing too much reading and its all getting muddled up inmy head man. [/quote]

Just to add, carbs are not the only offenders of raising Insulin.

Anything fast absorbing raises insulin, this includes Whey (although the Insulin is negligible, and I believe your body also secretes Glucagons in response, which kinda negate)

Dairy, despite the carb content, seems to be very insulinogenic.

Some amino acids, Leucine in particular, can also cause some Insulin to be released.

And although this may or may not be true (minimal studies, all on unathletic, maybe insulin resistant populations), I have read about caffeine impairing Insulin’s acting on the cell, which causes blood sugar to go up and more insulin to be secreted. (Only a problem, if true, when co-ingested with insulinogenic agents)

I prefer 10w40.

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
I prefer 10w40.[/quote]

Dude, I really hope it’s synthetic 10X40 and not conventional. Otherwise you’ll end up with sludge.