
T-men, i know that drinking is nt the most favored pastime among you. However, i am a two beer queer. This has to change! What can i do to improve my tolerance to alcohol.

are you taking medication? some stuff can lower your tolerance. besides that, the more you drink the higher your tolerance level gets… (at least that’s the way i think it worked in college, though maybe i just drank too much laugh)

What is wrong with being a two beer queer? I drink about one a month, if that. And if i happen to have a few beers i’m definatly feeling it, but i rearly drink beer cause i can;t handle the carbination…
If you wanna build up you tolerance just become a drunk…that seem to work for alot of people i know.

What kind of person cares about this?! Are you trying to impress friends or what? If so, get new friends. The only thing having a high tolerance proves is 1) you drink a lot (ooh, how impressive!), 2) you’re a big male (congratulations). Seriously, a real man isn’t measured by something as dumb as how much booze he can consume.

Nice answer: Eat a lot of food while you drink and before you drink.

A crazy Russian who’s wasted on 2 beers? Bozhe moi! What’s the world coming to?

There is some evidence that tolerance to alcohol has a genetic component. Y’r Humble Serv’t, for example, being part Native American, is an exceptionally cheap drunk. This is a problem when hanging with Russian Orthodox clergy (as I routinely do). Last night we were together & I got snookered into trading shots of Stoli with them when one of them started passing around the moonshine (slivo, I think it was). OY! My head is still numb… So I learn some lessons the hard way. Eat right, drink less, i nyet, ya ne devarut po ruski.

gain weight.

ok, you can not realy do anything to increase your “tolerance”. if you drink alot for a long time you just get used to being buzzed or drunk, this will not realy increase your tolerance. you may be able to slow down absorbtion though. NEVER drink on an empty stomach. start slow. watch carbs before you go out. stick with protien and fat.
to those that go “get new friends” there is NOTHING wrong with a guy wanting to hang w/his friends for a couple of drinks and women can SAY what they want but they still think a guy is kinda wimpy if he is toasted after 1 or 2 drinks, just a fact, sure a chick might respond on this forum and say she don’t care or she likes that in a guy but if she is out with friends or with him and she sees him get toasted REAL quick she will think that guy is wimpy. sad but true. peace oh yeah, NEVER take any ephedrine or other stims before hand, they WILL speed up absorbtion.

Though this is a dubious pursuit at best, the dinosaur brain in me feels superior when my buddies are stumbling while I’m still sentient. One thing I’ve found was that if I keep my diet pretty high carbs, my alcohol tolerance is higher. My body seems to regard alcohol as a carb, and if I’m on a low or moderate carb diet, my system cannot seem to handle the carb overload when I have a few beers. Of course, when I am at my highest tolerance, I pork up pretty quickly too.

Hetyey225,I feel a lot less drunk if I take ephedrine.With ephedrine I can’t get a buzzed feeling and just get a headache.Alcohol is a depressant while ephedrine is a stimulant so this makes sense.

Switch to Rootbeer…

There are different types of beer… light beer can have as little as 3% alcohol, some Canadian beers are 7.5 to 8%… and then there’s alcohol free with 0.5% … if it’s a concern, drink light beer.

berzerker, you might be oversimplifying things (take mixing coke and beer-- creates an all new chemical in liver, no i don’t do coke ok,) but if it works all the more power to you.

the prob. with stims is they increase your matabolism, your body will absorb the booze quicker. you may FEEL like you are not as drunk for awhile but it WILL hit you. to add to my earlier post also avoid carbonated drinks. I know that may limmit your choices but atleast if you are gonna have a non-alcholic drink make it water or something else non-carbonated. peace oh, and the carbs will INCREASE how quickly you absorb the alchohol also. again peace

I wish I could get a buzz from 2 beers.

Heyyy, I want to be an alcoholic too!! This guy once told me about how you can slow(vey slow) cook lamb tongue(or something of that nature), and then eat a bunch of it. This will absorb most of the alcohol, and then slowly releases it while the meat takes time to digest. Don’t know if it would work, but supposedly a fifth of vodka has little effect.

If you want to improve your tolerance to alcohol, just drink more. I have a friend who has the tolerance of God when it comes to drinking. On a typical Friday or Saturday he’ll consume 8 pints of Guiness, 4 Car Bombs(Guiness w/ Baily’s & Jameson), and about a dozen shots of Belvedere Vodka. He’ll be straight as a pin after all of this. However from drinking so much he now has a gut that makes him look about 9 months pregnant, and is so out of shape he gasps for breath going up stairs. He’s only 25. So go ahead and work on your tolerance if you want to wind up the same way

Tebe nenyzen alkogol -chtobi bit’ myzchinoi

i te kto pitaetcia cpoit’ (otravit, t.k alkogol eto otrava dlia organizma) vovce ne tvoi dryzia

I think When your talking about “tolerance” Your talking about the enzymatic conversion rate of alcohol to acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde then on to acetic and malic acid, and your brains ability to maintain an organised energy state (vigilance) under the influence?

[A rumor back in "the old days" that low dose LSD (not recomended) would actualy prevent someone from feeling drunk, strange days indeed]

In Russia, vinpocetine is a popular "drug" used by alcoholics to recover from gastric and neurological ethanol-induced toxicity. Vinpocetine was introduced into clinical practice 22 years ago, in Hungary, for the treatment of cerebrovascular disorders and symptoms related to senility. Since then, it has been used increasingly throughout the world in the treatment of cognitive deficits related to normal aging. Vinpocetine is a pharmaceutical extraction from the periwinkle plant.
Another study showed that vinpocetine administered to rats inhibited the development of gastric lesions induced by ethanol. Pretreatment with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin counteracted the protective action of vinpocetine against ethanol-induced damage. This study showed that vinpocetine protected against a wide range of gastric insults and ulceration, indicating its potential clinical value as a gastroprotective agent.

The consumption of alcohol results in the formation of at least two very toxic compounds: acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde. These compounds generate massive free radical damage to cells throughout the body. The free radical damage generated by these alcohol metabolites creates an effect in the body similar to radiation poisoning. That is why people feel so sick the day after consuming too much alcohol. If the proper combination of antioxidants is taken at the time the alcohol is consumed or before the inebriated individual goes to bed, the hangover and much of the cellular damage caused by alcohol may be prevented.

Aging makes us increasingly vulnerable to alcohol-induced hangover, liver injury, and damage to the central nervous system. In the elderly, alcohol-and drug-induced injury are more common and more serious, and recovery is more difficult.

Nutrients that neutralize alcohol by-products and protect cells against the damaging effects of alcohol include vitamin C, vitamin B1, the amino acids cysteine and glutathione, vitamin E, and selenium. There are several commercial preparations that can be taken at the time the alcohol is consumed or before bedtime to help prevent a hangover.

Free radical damage is a major mechanism by which ethanol damages the liver. As has already been discussed, supplementing with the right antioxidants while consuming ethanol significantly reduces damage to cells throughout the body, including damage to the liver. Ethanol also damages the liver by depressing an enzyme required to convert methionine into S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe). A deficiency of SAMe can predispose an alcoholic to develop liver cirrhosis. An alcohol-induced depletion of SAMe can be overcome by SAMe supplementation, which restores hepatic SAMe levels and significantly attenuates parameters of ethanol-induced liver injury.

Supplementation with 400 to 800 mg of SAMe twice a day may help to reverse alcoholic cirrhosis. For those alcoholics who cannot afford SAMe, supplementation with 500 mg of trimethylglycine (TMG, also known as glycine betaine), 800 micrograms of folic acid, and 500 micrograms of vitamin B12, twice a day could help the liver to synthesize S-adenosylmethionine. Phosphatidylcholine supplementation, at a dose of 2000 mg a day, may protect against alcohol-induced septal fibrosis, cirrhosis, and lipid peroxidation.

Chronic alcohol consumption can constrict arteries in the brain and lead to neurological deficit. Supplementation with 500 mg to 1500 mg a day of magnesium could help keep cerebral blood vessels open by blocking excess infiltration of calcium into endothelial cells. European medications such as Picamilon (50 mg, three times a day) and Pyritinol (200 mg, three times a day) could help prevent and restore neurological function lost because of chronic ethanol intake. An expensive prescription drug called Nimotop (nimodipine), in the dose of 30 mg, three to four times a day, can slowly repair central nervous system damage caused by excess alcohol intake.

Those who drink routinely might consider taking 500 mg a day of milk thistle extract (silymarin), which may have a protective effect upon the liver. Alcohol depletes many vitamins and minerals from the body, so taking high-potency vitamin-mineral supplements throughout the day is very important.

* Don't try to short-circuit a hangover by taking aspirin with alcohol. Debra Bowen, from the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, says aspirin "enhances the irritation effect in the gastrointestinal tract," and increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Agents that deplete glutathione, such as ethanol, have been shown to impair the body’s immune defense. TNF-a (tumor necrosis factor alpha), increased in many diseases of aging, has been shown to be involved in depletion of cellular glutathione.

note: some of this was snipped from a popular health related website

Coyote says “some of this was snipped from a popular health related website.” And here I was, gettin’ really impressed with him for his knowledge ‘n’ all. Still, he posted a good testament to the horrors of booze. I suppose I’ll have to lay off the slivo. Spasibo bolshoi.