Was wondering if anyone on here is a patient of Dr. Crisler. I’m having issues in my local area finding a knowledgeable HRT specialist. Michigan is aways from NC so want to get feedback prior to going. Here are some of my questions:
Currently on Test cyp - 100mg / week. Local endo refuses to prescribe HCG. Has anyone had this issue and was Dr. Crisler open to providing?
Is part of his protocol AI’s?
Any knowledge of insurance coverage would also be helpful…
As always THANKS for the help.
I am not a patient of his but I did contact them. They do not accept insurance.
Email them, they are helpful with your questions.
One other question regarding his protocol. Does Dr. Crisler tend to lean towards keeping you in mid-range on your T levels or is he open to being in the upper range?
Don’t remember for sure but again, email them, they are very helpful and if I am thinking correctly I believe it is all laid out pretty well on his website in some of his writings. Might try to take a gander at those.
[quote]63longroof wrote:
Don’t remember for sure but again, email them, they are very helpful and if I am thinking correctly I believe it is all laid out pretty well on his website in some of his writings. Might try to take a gander at those.[/quote]
631, Thanks. Did check out his website and after reading further it was very informative. Hope to get in soon to see him. Thanks again.
I am a patients of his. So far he has been good with me. IMO he is a good doctor. I go to him for replacement of what I don’t make. He works with you and is a good man besides being a good doctor. He also has a excellent staff. He says what he thinks and to me this is a good thing. He does not take insurance and like other siad his staff will answer all the questions you have you can also email them. Good Luck
Thanks for the input. I’m working on getting an appointment. From everything I’ve read he seems to be the best in the field…
[quote]jakeman124 wrote:
I am a patients of his. So far he has been good with me. IMO he is a good doctor. I go to him for replacement of what I don’t make. He works with you and is a good man besides being a good doctor. He also has a excellent staff. He says what he thinks and to me this is a good thing. He does not take insurance and like other siad his staff will answer all the questions you have you can also email them. Good Luck[/quote]
I went to see him a couple of months ago and I think he’s a good guy. I have a phone appointment with him on Monday to discuss my treatment. Personally I think he’s the only one that knows what he’s doing. His protocol is a no brainier but for some reason doctors treat it like black magic. It’s pretty straight forward. Per his article he shoots for upper 1/4 of normal range so that’s probably what you can expect from his treatment. He’ll prescribe Adex if needed. If you’d like to keep your E2 more in check than his preference just buy some liquidex. He will give you HCG as it’s part of his protocol.