Dr. Aziz Talks on Hormone Friendly Dieting

Dr. Michael Aziz MD speaks on how different diets and foods crush hormonal balance.

Ok, that was very informative and interesting; thanks for the post.

And now my evening is ruined, as I have to look for sources and clarification on many of his points.

Some things that I picked up that surprised me were:

  • Excess fat hinders GH production
  • Leptin negatively affects the thyroid
  • Alcohol aromatizes Testosterone
  • High protein diets and polyunsaturates inhibit T4 to T3 conversion (!)

Only downside to this movie is that he spends very little time clarifying many of these points. I have no clue was his definitions of High and Low are in reference to macronutrient intake. Which concerns me in regards to GH and T3 for the reasons mentioned above.

And the little tidbit about lower carb diets, in the long run, damaging the pancreas is going to make shit a lot more confusing from now on.

very interesting! i’d have to watch it a few more times to get all the info lol it’d be great if that were in a powerpoint format

He doesn’t provide his hormone-friendly diet in the vid. Is there a follow-up?

here you go, from his youtube video:

[quote]Some things that I picked up that surprised me were:

  • Excess fat hinders GH production
  • Leptin negatively affects the thyroid
  • Alcohol aromatizes Testosterone
  • High protein diets and polyunsaturates inhibit T4 to T3 conversion (!)

Only downside to this movie is that he spends very little time clarifying many of these points.[/quote]
Does he clarify if the above statements have the same effects to those who train with weights, rest properly, and sleep well?

[quote]tolismann wrote:

[quote]Some things that I picked up that surprised me were:

  • Excess fat hinders GH production
  • Leptin negatively affects the thyroid
  • Alcohol aromatizes Testosterone
  • High protein diets and polyunsaturates inhibit T4 to T3 conversion (!)

Only downside to this movie is that he spends very little time clarifying many of these points.[/quote]
Does he clarify if the above statements have the same effects to those who train with weights, rest properly, and sleep well?

Sadly, he didn’t clarify anything he said. Haven’t been able to locate any evidence for 1,2 and 4 yet.

Here is a link to a podcast he did, in which he goes into a little more detail, but not much. Listen if you got nothing better to do.


Estrogen lowers bodyfat?

[quote]iceman187 wrote:

Estrogen lowers bodyfat?[/quote]

Thx for the link. Yeah I guess even doctors makes mistakes, big mistakes in this case.

Maybe if your estrogen was too low, like excessively, then it might bring your T down, and somehow make you fatter than you would be with higher estrogen, but I highly doubt thats the case in even a minority of the population.

I haven’t had enough time to look into the claims yet, some interesting arguments. Who is Dr. Aziz directing this talk to (who is the audience)? I would hope the medical community would demand a little more backing on the large majority of his statements.

That clip seemed like an infomercial at times.

[quote]GetJakdorDieTryn wrote:
I haven’t had enough time to look into the claims yet, some interesting arguments. Who is Dr. Aziz directing this talk to (who is the audience)? I would hope the medical community would demand a little more backing on the large majority of his statements.

That clip seemed like an infomercial at times. [/quote]

I believe his audience is the typical audience looking to ‘lose those last few pounds’ or ‘kinda get into shape’; In the podcast linked mid-way through this thread, he backtracked on one of his claims regarding macronutrient breakdown when it was applied to an athletic population (he said bodybuilders and athletes particularly)