hello everyone, i want to use EDT for fat loss, the original schedule is something like : MON/WED/FRI. Can someone tell me if i squeeze those 3 days into MON/TUE/WED, and then add another 3days for THU/FRI/SAT? will that help me lose fat faster or it’ll burn me out? may be Charles Staley can give me some suggestion too.
[quote]Monster Wong wrote:
hello everyone, i want to use EDT for fat loss, the original schedule is something like : MON/WED/FRI. Can someone tell me if i squeeze those 3 days into MON/TUE/WED, and then add another 3days for THU/FRI/SAT? will that help me lose fat faster or it’ll burn me out? may be Charles Staley can give me some suggestion too.[/quote]
Don’t double up! It will burn you out. I tried this program and had success with it. Follow the program as designed. For additional help with fat loss, perform high intensity interval training (HIIT) when you are not hitting the weights. Something like 400 meter sprints; or sprint for 15 seconds, walk for 30 seconds, sprint for 15 seconds, walk for 30 seconds, etc. (repeat that about six times). Hope this helps.
thx reubmar69, what kind of diet you follow when you do EDT for fat loss? during workout i’ve some carb drinks, but about 1/2 hour after the workout i feel i’m extremely low blood sugar level. at that time i’ve to get every kind of simple suger in me(eg.soft drinks)to keep me awake. do you feel the same?
Weighlifting alone won’t make you lose weight, hit the track.
Oh, this plan will help you lose weight, no doubt about it. You’ll sweat buckets.
i believe it’ll help me loss fat, but i want to know what kind of diet should be combined with this style of training for lose fat?
monster Wong bring your questions to Coach Staley directly this Thursday between 4:00 to 6:00pm pst
where here he will be doing some live Q&A-Julianne
Man, doubled-up EDT will land you a spot in the overtraing ward. EDT was the second most successful hypertrophy program I ever used–the first was OVT–I gained about twice as much weight as I anticipated; it’s powerful. Unless you’re geared up, I wouldn’t even think about doubling it. EDT pushes your recovery capablities to the limit with 4X a week, 6X, especially dieting down, will kill you.
[quote]teamstaley wrote:
monster Wong bring your questions to Coach Staley directly this Thursday between 4:00 to 6:00pm pst
where here he will be doing some live Q&A-Julianne[/quote]
what is that time at australia?
actually i only have 3 simple questions:
1)what kind of diet should i combine with EDT for fat lost?
2)i feel craving for sugar 1/2 hour after the workout, is it normal? what should i do to stop it?
3)can i double the program up to speed up fat loss?
since I have no clue to the time difference… sorry,
what I will do is copy your question and send it out to my bossman for that thread Thursday night-Julianne
Don’t double up monster. In fact, best approach might be to divide it up.
Just to give you a sense of what I’m talking about, I’m providing you with an excerpt from my weekly e-newsletter which will come out tomorrow. take a look:
You want to lean out but do you want to pay the price? Maybe… Don’t come crying to me when you can’t maintain this silly little 6-minute workout for longer than a week or so. After your first taste, I don’t think you’ll even consider doing this for longer than 1-2 sessions, but I’ll throw it your way anyway just to see what happens:
Training Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Duration: 6 minutes per workout, 18 minutes per week
The Workout:
A) Tire Flips: Find a big ol tractor tire and flip it end over end for 60 seconds, seeking the maximum possible number of flips in 60 seconds. Ideally, you can get at least 10-12, but not more than 18-20 flips in one minute. Rest 2 minutes and repeat
B) Car Push: Push your car, truck, or whatever you drive down the road for 60 seconds (it’s a pretty good idea to have someone in the drivers seat to steer by the way). Rest 2 minutes and repeat.
C) Sled Drag: You can buy a dragging sled, or just make one, but the idea is that you need to attach a harness to yourself and drag something fairly heavy for 60 seconds. Rest 2 minutes and repeat
Progression: Each workout, make a sincere effort to beat your best numbers from the previous workout.
Off Days: Lick your wounds my friend, lick your wounds.
Diet: For maximum effect, go paleolithic: Only meat, leaves, nuts, eggs, berries. Nothing processed. Well, I’ll make two exceptions: pre-workout, one serving of Biotest’s Power Drive. Post workout, one serving of Biotest Surge (both available at http://www.t-nation.com) If you follow this concept, you can eat as much as you want by the way, you just can’t eat WHAT you want (!).
That’s it. Simple but sick. After day one, you’ll wish you’d never been born. After day two, you’ll wish I had never been born. You’ll probably never get to day three, but let me know if you do.
that mt staley is what im talking about
damn hard and fast great
after I can do it Ill add some tabata squat thrusts at the end just to vomit harder