Doing Dumb Stuff as a College Kid

@T3hPwnisher the cookbook is getting used! Meat pies from it


Outstanding work! Really, outstanding work all around here, but Iā€™m so pleased to see how much youā€™re getting out of those books.

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Thanks! Iā€™m enjoying the change of pace his stuff brings. I think it was an article of him talking about introverted vs extroverted personalities in the gym (monk vs berserker) and it made me realize the variety of the workouts is what made me love BASP so much. It basically made me realize Iā€™m extroverted but have a dislike for a good amount of people. Donā€™t know how to implement that knowledge but itā€™s cool to know!

All the hanging leg raises have helped with my shoulder and the lat shrugs are nifty (I donā€™t think they are the end all be all). I think the 20min of bodyweight work/arm work is really the shining star. Letā€™s me work on stuff for prehab/rehab but also get blood into whatever area feels beat to hell.


Mmm. I think you just took care of some of my meal planning for next week.


Juggeryoke: W2D3

Incline Nemesis Bench: 175:3,2 150:4x5
Snatch grip high pulls: 185x2x5, 165x4x5
Pause Bench: 195x6x1
Backoff: 115x16,12
Backsquat: 135: 3 mins. 30 reps (re-rack 2x with shoulder being stupid)
100 pullaparts
RH/Kelso shrug: 5x10:180/20

Notes: might add later


Juggeryoke W2D4

Skullcrusher: 60lbx4x10
V-Bar pushdowns: 20lbx6x10
Reverse curl: 60lbx10x10
2 sets HLR AMRAP w/ 10 lat shrugs


  • I owe 3 sets of HLR
  • Iā€™m getting bored with all the HLRā€™s might switch it up for the sake of variety
  • Snatch grip high pulls are straying. That was a lot of fun and my traps are still toasted
  • Overshot a couple sets yesterday but no big deal
  • gaining front is still going. Lots of meat and milk. I lost interest in rice for some reason.
  • Also I finished the Sopranos this morning. What the hell was that ending. It was cool and symbolic but I would have liked something more definite. I say that but I may have not
  • My arms got a great pump today. Actually felt swole in them today. Fueled by a triple cheeseburger, 10pc nugget, medium fry, and shamrock shake dinner from last night

They definitely did not order dessert.

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I almost feel like I shouldnā€™t say anything if all I have to say some combination of ā€œjust suck it upā€ + ā€œreal life can be far worseā€.

I didnā€™t have great academic experiences either, and couldnā€™t justify paying for irrelevant badly taught classes. I dropped out (I took all but one class of my major) and eventually did all right, but it was a lot more BS going that path than just sucking it up and finishing and moving forward with a degree.

Some people donā€™t care, some professors have other goals than teaching, and frankly most of the material youā€™ll need to know is in books and available online with free lectures and study material. Just use the school to let you know what you need to know and then do all the actual learning yourself.

If you can just find the motivation, or more importantly, the interest, you can just teach yourself. Those are the more important long term skills anyway.

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If I really took this to heart, I wouldnā€™t be complaining! Truthfully I know this as a fact but it was just a rough day. There seems to be a break in time during the semester where Iā€™m like ā€œThis is all so fucking pointless etc.ā€ but then I accept it and do better.

This is always the conclusion I come to when I consider ā€œWhat would I do if I dropped outā€. Seems like it would be different heartache AND a journey into the unknown.

Yeah this seems to be the thing. Especially with classes that are ā€œlecture heavyā€ and you really donā€™t need the textbook for. Also I realize I cannot do anything about shitty profs but itā€™s my responsibility to get a good grade because GPAā€™s donā€™t care about what prof you had. Just super annoying.

Yeah this is what it comes down to. Life always gets better when Iā€™m prepping for a comp because I want to preform well so I ensure that all my ducks are in a row. Kinda sad in a way but if it works it works. Thanks for taking the time!

Unrelated to the above but if Iā€™m taking the time to type stuff out might as well add:

I had a interesting realization in this journey of not smoking. It seems like I can get scared of whatā€™s to come and all the what ifā€™s in life. For example, what if I stop smoking? Will I lose friends? If I do, fuck them. They arenā€™t real friends if they donā€™t have my best interest at heart. Will my life be harder? Not actually. Iā€™ll just be living to a higher and more conscious form of myself. Life seems to be easier now that Iā€™m not clouded in a haze.

Deep down, Iā€™m starting to not want to go back to smoking. Iā€™ve made a lot of progress and feel really good. Given family history, itā€™s basically in my genetics to have an addictive personality so moderation will probably not work. Also, it seems that I get roughly 80% of the enjoyment but I remember more and seek better/deeper experiences as opposed to playing video games with someone while stoned. As stated before, Iā€™m purposefully breaking this up into week by week and day by day because a life long commitment is scary and too much it seems. To be honest, I would like to smoke once a week or month but I know itā€™s not a good idea. It fucking sucks but thatā€™s the truth. Lastly, Ive come to learn a lot of why was because I felt lonely and isolated. @simo74 (tagging you since we talked about this a little while ago)


Firstly well done for coming this far, it is really hard to stop doing something especially when there are social pressures that pull us back.
What helped me when I stopped smoking many years ago was to NOT think about this as giving something up. There very fact that we talk about giving up implies that we will miss something by not doing it and that is simply not true. Focus on saying stuff likeā€™ I am not a smokerā€™ or I donā€™t smoke if that helps.

Lets pause for a moment here to just read these words:

Did you read them ? OK now go back and read them again.

This is a very important realisation and something that shows you are wise beyond your years. As humans I believe we are pre-programmed to be social, especially when we are young. When you get a little older like me you become more interested in becoming a hermit but we are not here to discuss my social problems :wink:

The social pressure of fitting in, or of doing what everyone else does to have fun is extremely strong and can be hard to ignore. The interesting thing is though that when you take time to look from the outside you realize that there are lots of people not doing the same thing. They are choosing to do something else and are also able to be social and still have fun. It can be very hard to decide that you no longer want to do some of the things your friendship group do. But as you stated, if they are real friends they wont really care.
To put how hard this into perspective here is a little story about what is happening inside my head right now:

I have planned a trip back to the UK in June this year. I have a family wedding and my dad is having some cancer treatment so I decided it may be a good idea to go back. I have not been back to the UK in 10 years. I am still in contact with 4 close friends from high school. We have a whatsapp group and communicate regularly.

The other 4 catch up once or twice a year without me as I am so far away. Itā€™s not a big deal and they are always happy to see me when I visit. We all turn 50 this year so being able to see them when I am in the UK will be great. When we were young we spent all of our free time socializing in pubs and bars because thatā€™s the English way of life. We love drinking together and it is very much a part of our group culture. Well these days I donā€™t really drink at all but as I have not seen them for 10 years they donā€™t know that about me. I am already nervous about getting together with them as I know the pressure will be there to drink and am not sure how they will react to me declining to drink or drinking very little (one drink). So much so that I have not yet told them all I am coming back and organised a date to catch up. Itā€™s so stupid, I have knows these guys for 39 years and they know stuff about me my own wife and family wouldnā€™t even guess.

So you are not alone in struggling with the social pressure and expectation of the identity that is created in the doing of things with people rather than the make up of who we are inside.

You are doing a great job mate, Keep on going one week at a time and maybe one day you when you want to become a hermit you will help someone else realize their own truth.


Thanks @simo74 that was a really helpful read. I really appreciate it!

Juggeryoke W2D5

Squat: 285x10x1: 1 min rest
OHP: 8,7,5,5
PA in-between sets
13 DL: 300x8x3 (1 min rest avg)
AMRAP: 235x12,10,4


  • Cut the squats down because they were getting super grindy
  • 13in DL actually went super well
  • Events day tomorrow. Along with the HLR from today
  • Attacked todayā€™s workout with some preworkout. It was the right move. I felt amazing
  • Forgot to add, the bench AMRAP at 115lb feels way too light. So do the back off sets here. I think this is because 5/3/1 got me good at reps so Iā€™m going heavier on them
  • Got some more random progress pics. Itā€™s fun to see this stuff in the RING cameras around the house:


Damn New Jacked City


Events day:

Hercules hold: work up 4 plates per side for 30 sec
Power stairs: top set of 243
Lat raise/rear delt raise: 15x2x10, 12x2x10
Thunbless reverse curl/barbell curl: 45x4x10
Oh Extension: 70x4x12



Meal prep for this week: pork and green onion sausage, smoked jalapeno cheddar sausage, chicken thighs, and country ribs


Damn they sound good.

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@simo74 They were pretty amazing!

Log C/P: 160x10x3
Chins: 70x5x3
Front Squat: 215x10x3
Ab wheel: 5xAMRAP
Dips: 50x5x3


  • Took my time and used it to be fully in the present
  • I got home to the lovely news of my sister informing me my uncle died this morning. Fucking bullshit but nothing I can do about it. Last uncle to go and the one I was super close to. Rest Easy
  • He always loved to hear about my weighted chin up numbers so I thought it was neat how that was a movement for today

Iā€™m really sorry to hear that dude :[ it sounds like things have been pretty rough for you lately, so I hope youā€™ve been managing.

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Thanks for checking in! I appreciate it! Yeah itā€™s definitely been interesting and hard at times but I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Lots of reflecting and learning from what I lost. This one hit a hell of a harder than my brothers but I am so grateful I had an extra long conversation with him yesterday. The death was unexpected but ironically enough we were talking about family drama (how it is fucking stupid), my brother passing and that drama, and lots of gallows humor. My sister and I were making small jokes about it today when she told me just because we know he wouldnā€™t want it any other way (itā€™s definitely a New Orleans/Louisiana thing).

The beauty of it is I can see what made him the uncle we all gravitated to and the traits I can implement for my nephewā€™s to be similar. I will not let myself turn bitter or angry about any of this stuff because living like that seems to bring about misery. I can only enjoy what we all had and look forward to what is in the present!


My condolences mate. The outlook you have described here is admirable. Stick to it.


Saving this video here because itā€™s probably the best and no nonsense guide I found tp squat:
