Doing Dumb Stuff as a College Kid

Progress pic (with pump):


Looking good

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Appreciate it! Been meaning to comment on your log, awesome work you do and I hope to be able to do stuff like you when iā€™m older!


Had a real get to yes moment tonight. Dog food I ordered didnā€™t show up and I ran out of food. Was super tempted to Doordash both but went to the store and got a rotisserie chicken. Ate the whole thing standing up in my kitchen using my hands. Proud of my mindset here.


Hell yeah dude! Way to get after it.

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531 c1w2d4

Bw: 174.6lbs

KB swing with band: 3x3
Deadlifts: 275x20 (10-6-4)

Bronson work (20lb vest): 3 Rounds

  • 15 BSS
  • 6 chins
  • 5 dips

Bar hold (135): 55 seconds


  • Im torn on whether or not to count the deadlifts as hitting my training goal of 1.5bwx20. The break in sets was because the my straps kept slipping. The ā€œrestsā€ were less than 10 seconds and only to retighten the strap. Any Thoughts?
  • Also realizing that technically that was a 1.6x bw for 20 reps so it may just balance out in my book
  • Didnā€™t set timer but kept a fast pace
  • Reduced bronson work bc tomorrow Iā€™m lifting with an old training partner

if you donā€™t do it again will it eat at you?

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Probably. I think what Iā€™ll do is count this as a completion but bump the goal to 2xbw for 20 and hit this again at a later date as a tester to make sure everything is going right

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531 c1w2d6

Weight: 176.4 lbs

Bronson work (BW): 12:36
10 rounds

  • 10 BSS (Each leg)
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups


  • Got some restorative RH work in this morning. Ended up putting my friend onto the GreySkull LP so thatā€™s neat
  • Unsurprisingly my back and glutes is really sore from yesterday
  • Feeling super good honestly. Really conditioning and the 531 main work is just panning out very nicely

531 c1w2d7

Bronson work (BW): 6:35
5 rounds

  • 10 BBS
  • 5 pull ups
  • 10 push ups


  • Cut the volume on this just to ensure I have a great squat session tomorrow
  • Been window shopping for the program Iā€™m going to run after this. Looking towards something more body building oriented just because Iā€™ve been watching a lot of Tom Platz. Thinking about doing 5/3/1 BBB with different supplemental lifts and more overall bodybuilding oriented or actually run super squats

the only answer

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531 c1w3d1

Agile 8
3x3 vertical jump
2x8 35lb goblet squat

Main work (1s): 20:19
Squat: 255x5, 205x20 (super squats style)

Bronson work (20lb vest): 13:45
5 rounds

  • 15 BSS (per leg)
  • 6 pull ups
  • 15 push-ups


  • Used some surge today to help counteract the sinus infection starting. With that Iā€™m on a slurry of claritin and Mucinex D
  • To the above point. That shitty feeling in the morning with a cold is making my day a little harder to get going but I must do what needs to be done
  • Squat topset legitimately flew. Best set Iā€™ve ever hit and I cut it short because I know the next time I hit that weight I can beat it
  • Squat supplement was done super squat style to prep for super squats next cycle. Iā€™m feeling stronger and better conditioned to fully complete the routine
  • Had a lesser degree angle out with my toes and it felt way more powerful
  • First exam today and got a 98%
  • Squat topset (5 reps total. Had to cut some out bc file size):

Nice squats dude


Well done. Keep it up.


531 c1w3d2

Weight: 174.8lbs

No walk run this morning (might come later)

Main work (1s week): 29:54
Bench: 190x5, 150x20(8,6,6)
30 GHR
Cable rows: 50x5x10

Bronson work to come later


  • Feeling kinda bloated and like iā€™m retaining more water with the meds iā€™m on
  • My sinuses arenā€™t on fire when I breathe in today but my body was feeling beat up. Decided to break up the bronson work and main work becuase A. Iā€™ll be looking for something to do later thatā€™s not studying B. lots of head pressure from bench and thatā€™s not groovy
  • Overall having less direct sinus issues vs a holistic head cold

For a total walk on the wildside, ever think DoggCrapp? Youā€™ll get in some Widowmaker squats that way

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Not going to lie I had been looking into that. Just unsure of how long it will take to complete the sessions. I wouldnā€™t assume they are long. Do you know if conditioning work plays nicely with it?

Hell running that for a couple cycles might just put me in a great spot to do super squats

Dante was big on incline treadmill walking

Doggcrapp, unlike HIT and some other all-or-nothing training philosophies, includes regular cardio. Trudel recommends that most guys start off with three to four 30-minute sessions of low-intensity cardio on non-training days.

ā€œWe usually do it before breakfast so we use fat instead of glycogen for energy,ā€ SM said.

What about high-intensity interval training, or martial arts, or sports in general?

ā€œIf you think you can do HIIT or MMA, or even play flag football on the weekends, then youā€™re out of your mind,ā€ SM explained. ā€œThe training is just way too intense to be able to do any of that on your off-days.ā€

Iā€™d say 60 minutes for a workout would be about right. Possibly longer, depending on warm-up sets. I really like DC as a paradigm breaker.

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Thanks. Iā€™ll look into it for sure!

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1.5 mile run: 14:36 (distance and time up for debate)

Bronson work (20lb vest): 12:16
5 Rounds

  • 10 KBS (50lbs)
  • 6 pull-ups
  • 15 push-ups


  • This ended up being a good overcoming day. After this mornings session, I legitimately fell asleep on the couch. Luckily the dog woke me up so I could get to class. Ended up skipping out on my last class, so I could study and rest for my bio exam tomorrow
  • Everything was telling me to take it easy today (couldnā€™t focus in class, felt like time was flying by me) but I needed to do a 1.5 mile run for my kinesiology class
  • For the run, Iā€™m willing to bet my life I ran further and faster than what my watch told me. Just by knowing my neighborhood, It was probably close to 1.8-2.0 miles bc of the amount of time I had to run the whole neighborhood. Also brought bat dog with me on this one
  • Bronson work used KBS to give my knees a break
  • Thinking of getting BBQ tonight to heal my soul and body from this sickness