Does my TRT Dosage Sound Right?

Wow thanks so much. Took 15 min last night trying to fill the syringe. I finally got it but your method seems like the way to fill most efficiently. I’ll give it a go!

So, we now have each injection provides 50mg of T.

How many times a week are you performing this injection?

Did you end up at this level as you provided feedback that the dose was not working…when you may only have been drawing a small % into the syringe?

The concern being that you have now fixed the drawing the full % in…but now your volume of T/week will skyrocket.
May prompt you to reach out to your doctor to inform them and see what adjustment they recommend.

The initial script was for .20 and after 5 weeks or so they send a questionnaire to assess how things are going. Energy levels… sleep patterns…libido etc. based on my answers they increased to .25. It’s an everyday injection. Knowing now that I was injecting 90 percent air I will let them know and I’m sure they will drop it back too .20. Everything I’m seeing now is that that is too much. Regardless I’m going to administer.15

Yes, the method works very well. Suggest though that you consider increasing the needle size to at least a 28G. I’ve experimented with all needle sizes and 28G is about as small as I would go. Actually, I more often use 25G, but I’m trying to work through my stock of 28G right now. If you plull the plunger back all the way and hold it, it should only take about a minute at most with a 28G. Perhaps a bit longer with a 30G, but certainly no more than 2 minutes. Good luck!

I think that’s a lot compared to myself.
.25 ml per day of 200 strength test C. is a pretty high dose.
I take .45 ml Tues and Fri, I’m 61 and I’m cruising about 1100 - 1500 total and free T is about 1/2 way to the high limit. For years and no one will prescribe a higher dose.
Be careful is all I need to say. Side effects will follow.

350 mg/wk administered daily doesn’t sound right for a starting dose. Daily is not a typical starting protocol for test C or test E. Are you sure you weren’t prescribed test propionate? Test P is typically in a 100mg/ml concentration and needs to be administered daily. That would be 175/wk and sounds more reasonable. Maybe your Doctor prescribed the wrong ester or the pharmacy filled it wrong.

No it’s test cypionate. They prescribed daily. I’m taking a smaller dose though based on everyone’s advice.

Daily makes no sense.

Maintaining flat and steady hormone levels makes a lot of sense for someone prone to side effects and or symptom resolution. Clomid has a similar half-life to cypionate, which is typically dosed daily.

If it makes sense for clomid to dose daily, why not cypionate?

FWIW, you hide behind systemlord as if you are an admin, but you really need some love.

Injecting cyp daily is dumb as fuck and you know that.

Most have no need for clomid. Most TRT participants do very well on 100-150 once per week, no AI, no HCG.

So for the OP, just do 150 e7d and see what happens.

Get your bloods and ignore the rest of these peeps that are in need of love.

Your own regimen is not “steady”. What about propionate everyday? That’s also not “steady”.

That’s precisely why it works for me so well.

Some men report temporary symptom relief right after stopping TRT, erections improve, libido increases, and then return of symptoms and they start back up and the cycle repeats.

Sometimes steady hormones causes problems.

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Ok got it so you are simply saying for some yes for some no.

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@theoldgymrat What do you use for AI on that dose? Just wondering because it sounds similar to mine at 120mg/wk and .5 adex per week (total of twice per week pins, Mon evening and Fri morning).

I’m seeing 888 total T and 42 Est in trough. Just wondering what you do for AI in case I ever increase my dose to move up towards the 1200 T trough level.

I couldn’t figure out a way to send a dm…

I use Anastrozole, 1mg M-W-F. I also take other over-the-counter stuff like dim, pregnenolone, DHEA 10 mg once daily, and 9mg boron daily. I have a long list of aminos, oils and other supplements I take. I have a strong regimen of morning, with food, oils with food, and evening along with the prescriptions. I’m looking at a new provider and waiting for my blood work to come back. Week and a half ago I also started turkesterone 1 mg in the morning. I tried that at night but it runs my blood pressure and heart rate up a little and I get poor scores on my sleep. Remember to truly get anabolic you need more than average amounts of and very high quality sleep. I use the Fitbit charge 5 watch to monitor my O2 sats, heart rate, sleep quality and so forth. It even checks for AFib.

That’s enough to cause osteoporosis, why are you taking so much Anastrozole?!

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Agreed. That’s really messed up. If it works for you great but don’t start spreading that as a “normal” thing @theoldgymrat

It’s a prescription and I’ve been on it for years no problems. I have prescriptions for all of my gear from a very conservative doctor. I had five surgeries one year and my T levels dropped to below 200. Then on TRT since then. About 15 years now. The tea begin to aromatize and the estrogen and estradiol numbers begin to climb. If I skip the estrogen blocker the estradiol goes through the roof. I’ve had high estradiol since I was a kid. I don’t spread anything. I just tell the truth and I get my gear through legal channels. I’m 61 years old so I don’t have a lot to lose. 241 lb, 6 ft tall working on my 400 lb bench. I’ve been lifting since I was 16.

Look if it works for you great. But that dose of AI would destroy most people. RIP joints, HDL, libido etc. Glad you found what works for you though.

You’re an outlier, most guys would crush their cardiovascular system and bone health on this much Anastrozole. Just because you haven’t had any problems for years doesn’t mean you won’t.