hey everyone first post here i was wondering if this routine is decent. Its geared towards a mix of both strength and muscle (bodybuilding with some strength training)
day 1
squat 3x5
leg press 2x7
shrugs 3x9
calf raise 3x11
day 2
OHP 3x5
dips 2x7 (assisted because i weigh 250 and I’m not strong enough yet to do much more)
close grip bench 3x8
pullups 2x7
day 3
day 4
day 5
deadlift 1x4
farmers walk
palm down forearm curl 3x8
front squats 3x6
day 6
bench press 3x5
rows 3x7
DB press 3x6
bicep curl 3x8
day 7
day 8
please don’t beat it up to much, i spent all night putting it together and would like opinions on if i will do well. i know there are probably more options that are more optimal but since i created this by myself i would like to finish it for about 8 weeks. please let me know what modifications you would use or if you would use it at all. thanks
ps. this is for a natural lifter trying to gain more strength and muscle