I was thinking about buying one just because I hate eating my veges.
However, I don’t want to lose a bunch of nutrients (I worry about all that pulp that is left behind–there must be some good stuff in there). I also don’t want to have to put in five pounds of fruits and veges in the juicer to get a glass (i.e. it’d be nice if it stayed economical–food is expensive enough as is).
Yeah get one, and if you can, start every day with a big glass of juiced fruit/veggies with a tbsp of fish oil in there. I normally don’t eat vegetables except for dinner, so what I do is I juice a shit-ton of veggies and a piece of fruit first thing in the morning, or after I come home from school.
The only stuff your missing out on is fiber. Good choices: spinach, broccoli, red/green peppers, carrots, berries, and mask with an apple or a pear or both. Make about 1.5-2 cups worth.
I tried juicing for a while until i realized that I have a terrible time digesting raw spinach juice. I think there’s some anti-nutrient in there or something like that. I also had raw garlic juice in it and I believe that I have a hard time with that as well. Anyhow, I sprayed the mixture out my ass faster than the juicer spit it into the cup. No more juicing for me Maybe I’ll pick it back up sometime, but for now, it’s too big a hassle.
On the real though I use a Greenstar juicer. I did a lot of research before I bought it and it presrves the enzymes the best but it is a royal pain in the arse to clean. If you fo GPP or any taxing conditioning try a kale/celery/carrot/beet juice afterwards and you will be repleted WAY faster than any gatorade bullshit.
I have that Jack Lalanne Power Juicer you see on the infomercials… It makes a ton of juice but the clean up just about makes it not worth it. Its got so many pieces to take apart and clean I dont use it too often.