Red Slingshot: Very user friendly middle of the road wrap good for just about any one from a 300lbs squat to a 1000lbs squat. They are very rebound friendly wrap with very average stopping power. Definitely better for a medium or closer stance raw squatter. Easy to self wrap but a partner can make this wrap almost unbearable.
Blue Slingshot: Weaker softer version of the reds. Very easy to self wrap.
Inzer Gripper: Hate the wrap next to useless in my opinion. But, it can give some decent rebound if not cranked. Mostly used by Equipped guys and gals or by raw lifters who don’t know any better haha. Very easy to self wrap.
Iron Rebel Rhinos: Extremely stretchy, very soft comfortable wrap, with little stopping power and lots of rebound. Very easy to self wrap.
Iron Rebel Outlaws: Basically stiffer and thicker Rhino. Great wrap but extremely stretchy and hard to self wrap because of this unless it has been preloaded.
Elite Super Heavies: Amazing wrap IF YOU HAVE A PARTNER. Self wrapping this wrap the way it should be is damn near impossible with out completely taxing your grip and biceps. This is a very stiff wrap with nice rebound and stopping power when wrapped correctly. I often have issues hitting depth with even high 700lbs squats when these are truly cranked down the way they need to be. They are great wraps but you must crank them and if you don’t have a solid squat and pain tolerance there are better choices.
APT 3x Wraps: Almost identical to the Super Heavies.
Pioneer Phantoms: Very stretchy and good rebound wrap. Basically a thicker Red Slingshot wrap. Good wrap not my favourite personally but very popular and easy to self wrap.
Pioneer Lillibridge Wraps: Basically the same as Phantoms but with a smoother more comfortable type of material.