Do Your Work Hours Suck?

This thread just came to me as I’ve been up for for around 30 hours now. I work for the state ports authority and had a ship last night.

My regular workday starts at 0500(when I wake up) and usually ends at 1800 working road trucks. Had a 1900 startup on an Evergreen ship and they needed extra operators. Worked it until 0530. Came home and had a bite. Since it’s Saturday I got things to do. I got a tire fixed and just finished a minor repair on my washing machine. Gotta check a friends roof later. I’ll go to bed around 2300 tonight to keep my sleep schedule on track.

Don’t do this all the time but used to get about90 hrs o.t. every 2 wks. The economy has cut me back to about 25 to 35 every 2 wks. I miss the extra money but it’s good to get a break. To much o.t. wears ya down.
Gotta win that damn lottery!

cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

No wonder you have 83 posts since 2003

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5[/quote]

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.

[quote]silverblood wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.


do you guys use the ones and tens colum for minutes? like its 1753 hours?

Nope, I pretty much make my own hours.

10:30am-6pm most days, sometimes a little outside of that.

[quote]silverblood wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.


Plus it sounds a lot cooler, more official

[quote]power_bulker wrote:
silverblood wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.

Plus it sounds a lot cooler, more official[/quote]

Yeah, but when you use it, people give you that WTF look

My only consistent shift is 7-11am on Saturdays. It’s like they’re trying to spite me…I told them my availability was after 12 only on weekdays. I take Z-12 and melatonin and I still can’t fall asleep before 2. If I ever have to work a 9-5 I’m screwed.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
silverblood wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.

do you guys use the ones and tens colum for minutes? like its 1753 hours?


I hate my job, I’m doing 4:30pm-2:00am or 2:45am if they feel like forcing overtime on us.

And all for 11 dollars an hour, yay…


48 hrs off, repeat.

So, yeah, my hours suck.

[quote]LA wrote:

48 hrs off, repeat.

So, yeah, my hours suck.[/quote]

you must be a nurse??

I am guessing Law Enforcement. They look like my hours at the PD.

Im in corrections and work a 2 week rotating shift, 0600-1600, 1200-2200, 1230-2230 two weeks on each shift. 4 days on 3 days off

air traffic control

I’ve been working this schedule pretty consistently for the last 18 years. It actually doesn’t suck as bad as it you’d think.

8am-10am to 3-9pm M-F (varies)

Sometimes a client will be in town and I deal with them off schedule, sometimes weekends, but the tips are huge. It is salary plus tips. I’ve parked LL Cool J’s RR Phantom. Yes, I’m bragging.

Biggest tip was $500 from a rapper getting him into a 2 month reservation restaurant. I’ve met plenty of rappers down here in Atlanta. I love what I do.

[quote]son of liars wrote:
8am-10am to 3-9pm M-F (varies)

Sometimes a client will be in town and I deal with them off schedule, sometimes weekends, but the tips are huge. It is salary plus tips. I’ve parked LL Cool J’s RR Phantom. Yes, I’m bragging.

Biggest tip was $500 from a rapper getting him into a 2 month reservation restaurant. I’ve met plenty of rappers down here in Atlanta. I love what I do.[/quote]

met jeezy or jigga?

They only suck because I have too many of them.

[quote]silverblood wrote:
power_bulker wrote:
silverblood wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
cant you use real numbers.

my clock doesnt have a 1500 dial.

anyway, my work hours are lame. i work from 5 to like 9/9:30 lately thurs-sat but tonight ill be there til like 12 since the De La Hoya fight is on. then ill work Sun from 2-8

i just feel like its not enough hours, like if youre gonna keep me on a friday night anyway might as well give me <5

Sorry. I’ve used the 24 hr clock since my time in the military and ships use it also. O500 means 5am, 1100 means 11am. To go to pm add the time to 12. 1500 means 3pm(12+3=15). A 1900 start is 7pm. There is no 2400 for midnight. It restarts at 0000.

Plus it sounds a lot cooler, more official

Yeah, but when you use it, people give you that WTF look


Sometimes, but that only helps you to weed out the morons