Do You Like Your Body When Relaxed?

Chris C. said it; I remember seeing your (before/after) pics in your thread. Obviously, very impressive. First thing I though of; you look like a pro beach volleyball guy to me! Really. long, lean, muscular and fit looking. That’s what people see ‘at the beach’. No doubt.

And before someone recommends it, NO…nipple piercings will not solve this problem. Sorry, it had to be said.

[quote]denver z-man wrote:
NO…nipple piercings will not solve this problem. Sorry, it had to be said.


[quote]denver z-man wrote:
And before someone recommends it, NO…nipple piercings will not solve this problem. Sorry, it had to be said.

I would have recommended sleeves or something, but piercings? GTFO

Get into the habit of flexing when doing ordinary everyday things.

“Do you know where Steve is today?”
“Sorry, I don’t know” shrug and squeeze traps

“Have you seen the keys?”
“Yup, they’re over there” hit all bundy “touchdown” pose

“Can you bring that cup over here?”
“Sure thing” grab cup with both hands, hit most muscular pose and walk while maintain it

“Stamp this form in triplicate please”
hit side triceps pose with each stamp

For a less asshole answer: Some sun will help bring out the lines and you will be surprised at just how much detail photos wash out. You probably look great (relaxed) in person, even if you don’t see it in the mirror yourself.

Try accepting how you look relaxed, because you are working hard on your physique and you can’t just change it in one night. Don’t beat yourself up on something this stupid, after all you aren’t a 14 year old girl, right?

[quote]Yogi wrote:
it’s funny the way our opinion of our bodies can change so much over the course of as small a timeframe as even a day.



I’ll throw a different perspective on this from my own experience, I’m a pretty big dude im 6’1" and about 280lbs right now and not fat. Which is great when I’m in the gym cause I think everyone likes to be friends with the big dude or have some kind of reverence to someone lifting a lot, but in just ordinary life shit when I go places and do social things the first thing people say to me is dumb things like “oh you must eat 30 rare steaks a day and a whole watermelon” or just generic comments about me being muscular.

This isn’t a complaint or cry for attention or anything, its just something I observe almost weekly. I wouldn’t change anything about my physique as I know I’ve worked quite hard, I think what perturbs me are people who make blase statements to me and lump me as some dumb meathead. So to stay more on topic, I do like my body when relaxed it just comes with a certain territory that you must be willing to accept.

Thank you all for your positive and encouraging responses.
In the meanwhile i dropped some water weight and i am much more satisfied with my relaxed look.
Bad thing is i will have to wait 1 year for the next summer holiday :slight_smile:

Near term:

  1. Get a tan.
  2. Shave.

Long term:
3) Work on your relaxed posture, meaning make sure you carry yourself with your head, pelvis, and upper arms neutral. Just about every dude looks worse with pelvic anterior rotation (IE ass out, belly out) and internally rotated arms with the head bent forward.