Do only Zionists think this way?

The sickening POV of these two podcaster scumbags!

I can’t believe she blocked me.


I love you, man! :rofl:

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How YOU doin’


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LOL! It takes certain skill to perform on the wrong side of weird in “friendly” conversation! And you, my friend, are a master of that art.

Imagine what would happen if your spark started a movement? The end of internet fraud (and a welcome return of irony).

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You’re very kind. :+1:

I’m comedic vigilante. Or vigiledic. Maybe comelante. I dunno. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Considering the subject matter of this thread, this is fucking hilarious.

Not as funny as bombs dropping on Gaza.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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My favourite sitcom right now.
Some people don’t like the laugh track, but I guess the showrunners have to add it since the live audience doesn’t really laugh (or stay ‘live’). Terrible, terrible audience.

I swear, this kind of shit is like a daily ocurrence now.
Fucking zionists.

Something said by a Zionist.


Are you one of the podcasters or just a subscribing member who donates?

I donate good vibes.

Try harder

Why? You want more dead Gazans?

Of course.

A New York Zionist queer, to be precise.