[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Well, I’ll admit that I’m not a regular on this particular sub-forum, but here’s my 2 cents:
You said you’ve been training on and off for about 5 years. And that you stopped training earlier this year. I’ll tell you this: you’ll need more than 1 year of solid “always on” training before you should think about your next cycle. [/quote]This is how I look at it: If you’ve been off and on, it tells me that you haven’t gotten your crap together and you haven’t been that serious. Maybe you are now, but what’s to prevent you from quitting in 10months to a year? Make sure you’re in it for the long haul. Only after that should you consider using.[quote]
As for the cycle, I’ll let the vets here critique it. I can see why some would want you to use Test on a first cycle. But I’ll just say that if you feel more comfortable with an oral cycle, make sure you’re supporting your “waste management system” and getting blood work. Maybe milk thistle, and some other support herbs/compounds. Keep your cycle shorter than you would otherwise for an injectable.
Just my two cents. Now, let’s get to some veteran commentary…[/quote]
I’m no Vet.
Now that we got that out of the way, let me probe this thing about getting one’s training and nutrition pitch perfect before embarking.
The rationale sounds sound - crawl before you run …right? sure.
(i dont mean to be sarcastic at all I am trying to suggest another way of looking how his premature attempt may not be counterproductive on at least one level)
Say our Brit friend here is fairly well funded (by some cunt-ess of Cornwall whose a patron of well shed men) and can afford to blow some on gear thats easily available.
R’ber hes already been traning for 5 yrs now (on and off) ofcourse.
well if he gets on a cycle of plain old test e. may be it will get him to devote himself to training religiously and apply himself to eating well.
while the gains may not be huge (for obvious reasons) it will definitely kick the lethargy out of him for good.
we know that test can set people to focus keenly on short term goals at hand. like a kid on ritalin or adderall. right?
and the little gains he does see only will incentivize him to do things more judiciously in the future when he embarks again. this time like you want him to. full throttle !
we observe a lot of ppl giving up or waning down just coz they dont see indication of results fast enough for their efforts and they see guys half their strength bulk up in no time while they themselves generally stagnate way before they hit a wall or their genetic ceiling
i remember myself returning from the gym my arms so sore that i’d almost fail to make a hard turn in the left most lane at an intersection. i didnt know there was thing called ‘overtraining’ back then.
may be that nominal increase in size from his premature cycle will register in his thoughts sayin “thou shall train right to gain right”
vets, ye can flame me now.