Men’s Open APF Deadlift Records
Class Record Name DOB Date of Record Location
67.5 230 David Edmondson 61 3/24/2007 Idaho Falls
75 225 Patrick O’Grady 70 2/23/2008 Orlando
82.5 242.5 Eric Stone 83 10/20/2007 Willowbrook
90 207.5 Blevins, Scott 62 12/9/2006 Houston
100 260 Zach Zenzen 88 10/20/2007 Willowbrook
110 295 Donald Younger 75 10/6/2007 Idaho Falls
125 302.5 Jason Gibson 73 3/24/2007 Idaho Falls
140 332.5 Ernie Lilliebridge Sr 71 10/20/2007 Willowbrook
140+ 312.5 David Edgell 71 3/25/2007 Idaho Falls
OK so the above is from the APF website and is as it says the APF Deadlift only records for Men’s Open.
From what I can see the 90kilo weight class has a record of 207.5kilos set by Scott Blevins in 2006 from Houston.
Now this seems way too low to me. This federation allows whatever you want to wear for the deadlift only event and the record is ~457?
Anyone know if this is still true or is this out dated?