DJ 3 Challenges

So far on the annual IGx DL challenge, which is the same as the 315 in 30 minute test DK described:

A Dragon Door guy named Faizal knocked out 150.

I staggered in at 123 with a few left in tank. 29 sets of 4 and 1 set of 7. Better than last year 108 or so, but not 150.

100+ is good. 150+ is great.

Both of us did it by doing sets of 4-5 on the minute. Even prepping by doing 50 in 10 minutes twice and 85 in 25 mins a week before, i was sore for 3 days afterwards. My hams and lats really responded to this over 3 weeks.

Eh, cardio :wink:

Good job jack, but I dunno if you’re going to find many guys in the bb section who’d consider doing that challenge (or did the thread end up here on accident?).

PM this guy about it maybe:

He’s crazy when it comes to rep challenges.

i have a trap bar but i thought it was “cheating” using that side of the handles cause the ROM is less obviously.

rasturai, that’s the normal way. If they flipped his knuckles would be almost touching the floor.