Dissing Sergio Oliva!?

I can’t believe this Visa commercial!!

Why Sergio!? Why!?!?!?!?!?!

Sometimes…you just need the money.

Cold as ice.

Yes… boooogus.

[quote]NateOrade wrote:
Sometimes…you just need the money.[/quote]

i think that would have made a more fitting slogan for the end of that commercial:

“Visa… Sometimes… you just need the money.”

I think its funny…because everyone who knows dick about bodybuilding remembers Sergio.

Sergio could have beaten Arnold in '72, but if everything else had happened the same (movies, TV, politics), then the average Joe would still know Arnold but not Sergio.

At least they portrayed him as enjoying his life instead of living in a car or something shameful like that.

lol owned…thats hilarious

[quote]Stronghold wrote:

At least they portrayed him as enjoying his life instead of living in a car or something shameful like that.[/quote]

True, it was nice of them to give him a shower and some decent clothes for the filming.

Oh come on it was a commercial and they were just making a point…laugh a little. At least they weren’t shedding a particularly negative light on bbing, which is 100% better than the norm these days.

Is it just me or dose he look like shit? He just hasnt haged well. Zane is only a year younger at 66 and looks great for his age. Even Sly, who I know you cant comepire to the Mr.Os back in the day, but looks great for 60+.

Just my O

Well, he looks happy. Still, its f’ed up. I guess we take him more seriously than he does.

[quote]Sonny S wrote:
Well, he looks happy. Still, its f’ed up. I guess we take him more seriously than he does.[/quote]

Heh yeah I guess

What an asshole thing to do. Guy’s one of the frigging legends of the sport. Coming in second to the Oak is no shame. How many people can say they had a sub-30" waist…with arms over 20"? Not many. And they make him out to be a loser.

In their heart of hearts, every one of the undoubtedly skinny-fat, pasty assholes that came up with that commercial wishes they could look half as good as Sergio did.

[quote]ProjectX wrote:
I can’t believe this Visa commercial!!

Why Sergio!? Why!?!?!?!?!?![/quote]

He is one cool as hell Cuban. Great commercial.

[quote]Himora22 wrote:
Is it just me or dose he look like shit? He just hasnt haged well. Zane is only a year younger at 66 and looks great for his age. Even Sly, who I know you cant comepire to the Mr.Os back in the day, but looks great for 60+.

Just my O[/quote]

None of those guys has taken a bullet to the chest. Sergio is lucky to be alive.

[quote]Sifu wrote:
Himora22 wrote:
Is it just me or dose he look like shit? He just hasnt haged well. Zane is only a year younger at 66 and looks great for his age. Even Sly, who I know you cant comepire to the Mr.Os back in the day, but looks great for 60+.

Just my O

None of those guys has taken a bullet to the chest. Sergio is lucky to be alive. [/quote]

More than that, using touched up photos of Zane today against live footage of Oliva is retarded. Zane is in better shape than most of the people his age could ever be…but let’s stop pretending like he doesn’t look like he in his 60’s. I’ve seen more recent interviews with him and he can barely do ANY of the exercises that built his size anymore due to injuries. That means no more bench press or squats.

LOL at “only a year younger”. Both of these men are damn near 70. Saying Oliva looks like shit at damn near 70 is a slap in the face itself. How many nearly 70 year olds look like Oliva, still hit the gym on any type of regular schedule, and work as a police officer into their 60’s?

I think some here have an unrealistic view of even their own lives. I would love to see a future image of most people who talk shit when they reach anywhere near that age. My guess is, they won’t be winning any trophies.

People age. That includes everyone here. That body you walk around in is fleeting which is why time is of the essence and why wasting years to reach a goal instead if driving hard towards it from the start makes the least sense.

It also makes sense to avoid serious injury while younger because all carelessness now will make you care a lot more in 20 years.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Sifu wrote:
Himora22 wrote:
Is it just me or dose he look like shit? He just hasnt haged well. Zane is only a year younger at 66 and looks great for his age. Even Sly, who I know you cant comepire to the Mr.Os back in the day, but looks great for 60+.

Just my O

None of those guys has taken a bullet to the chest. Sergio is lucky to be alive.

More than that, using touched up photos of Zane today against live footage of Oliva is retarded. Zane is in better shape than most of the people his age could ever be…but let’s stop pretending like he doesn’t look like he in his 60’s. I’ve seen more recent interviews with him and he can barely do ANY of the exercises that built his size anymore due to injuries. That means no more bench press or squats.

LOL at “only a year younger”. Both of these men are damn near 70. Saying Oliva looks like shit at damn near 70 is a slap in the face itself. How many nearly 70 year olds look like Oliva, still hit the gym on any type of regular schedule, and work as a police officer into their 60’s?

I think some here have an unrealistic view of even their own lives. I would love to see a future image of most people who talk shit when they reach anywhere near that age. My guess is, they won’t be winning any trophies.

People age. That includes everyone here. That body you walk around in is fleeting which is why time is of the essence and why wasting years to reach a goal instead if driving hard towards it from the start makes the least sense.

It also makes sense to avoid serious injury while younger because all carelessness now will make you care a lot more in 20 years.[/quote]

Well I didnt know he had been shot. But he looks like an average 60-70 year old man to me. As for what Ill look like at 70 I cant say but thats a shot of my dad at 50 and I look just like him(Im a bit bigger) so its a good bet Ill be ok. Also he just won the 50 and overs master here In May. I know your talking about the ppl here in general and not me specifically but it was directed at me.

Any who I understand what your saying

[quote]LUEshi wrote:

In their heart of hearts, every one of the undoubtedly skinny-fat, pasty assholes that came up with that commercial wishes they could look half as good as Sergio did.[/quote]

Yep, spot on.

28 years in the Police service as well, speaks volumes about the man.

Plus when the commercial was shot, I bet they didn’t tell him exactly how it would be presented to the masses. Take away the stuff added at the end and it would be seen in a different light.

Awesome commercial, except for the asshole manoeuvre at the end. Sergio’s living the life!

Edit: Also, didn’t Sergio beat Arnold a few times?