You know, I can usually ignore the blatant stupidity around me whenever the topic turns to nutrition since your average Joe isn’t overly bright on the topic, but something I saw today has me irked. There is a little break room adjacent to the women’s restroom that’ll have a stack of magazines piled on one of the tables. A cover on SHAPE magazine caught my eye with it’s proclamation of a revised food pyramid.
“Hooray!”, I thought, “Finally frickin’ time a woman’s mag started giving sound nutritional advice.”
So I picked up the mag, sat down and started reading. Well, lo and behold, the Weider rag indeed had a revised pyramid. In fact, it has two! One is dietary, the other exercise. Check this out:
Vegetables and Fruit (including juices) - 8 or more servings per day.
Water - 8 or more serving per day (Nice to see it have a level of it’s own).
Milk, yogurt, cheese, soy milk - 3 servings per day.
Legumes - 1-2 servings per day.
Fish/walnuts/flaxseeds - 3-4 servings per week (Nice to see Omega-3’s mentioned).
Olive oil, nuts, avocados, olives - 1-2 servings per day.
So far, I'm thinking this ain't half bad. At least it's an improvement over the old one. But then the fun stuff.... There's a dotted line drawn across the pyramid and everything above the line is OPTIONAL.
Eggs - No more than 4-5 eggs per week.
Skinless poultry breast - No more than 4-5 (3oz) servings per week.
Refined, low-fat grains - No more than 4-5 servings per week.
Salad dressings/mayo (Yes, they got their own category) - No more than 4-5 servings per week.
Red meat/other than breast portions of poultry - No more than 3-4 (3oz) servings a month.
Along with this OPTIONAL allowance for eggs, poultry and red meat, was the OPTIONAL exercise pyramid. Those recommendations:
Walking - 30 min per day.
Stretching - 10 min per day.
Resistance training - 1 set of 8-12 reps per bodypart, No more than twice a week.
According to these guidlines, in yesterday alone I met my maximum monthly allowance for red meat (mmm, filet mignon), maximum weekly allowance for poultry breast, half my weekly allowance for eggs and exceeded my weekly allowance for resistance training by 250%! Well, I cetainly better not eat the other 12oz of filet that I brought for lunch then, eh? And I sure as hell need to start catching up on my weekly recommendations for mayo, salad dressing, soy milk and olive oil.
Included in the article was a 7 day menu suggestion with a daily caloric intake of 1951-2059 and a macro breakdown of roughly 20P/60C/20F.
I found myself staring at the page in horror. No fucking wonder America is fat and poor general health! If a “reputable” magazine, from a well-known bodybuilding/fitness giant like Weider, is aimed at women who are/getting in shape and promotes shit like this… I… I’m speechless. I guess I hadn’t realized how spoiled I’d become. What can I say but a huge “Thank You” to the search engine gods that brought me to T-mag, and a huge “Thank You” to the fine folks here dedicated to turning out a quality product.