Difference Between Tren Ace and Tren E?

Just curious what the difference is between the two. Just doing my due dilligence for a possible future cutting cycle. Thanks in advance for any responses.

Acetate is a short ester and enanthate is long. The short ester is in and out of your system faster, therefore it peaks faster and you should see/feel results faster. Enanthate is a long ester, therefore it stays in the system longer and peaks slower. I use SE gear during prep but will go more towards the LE stuff in the offseason. Tren A usually gets pinned EOD, while I’ll do Tren E twice a week. It really all depends on your personal preferences and goals. Personally, I tend to hold more water with the more LE stuff I run.


To piggyback on what Moose said, the acetate ester (specifically for tren) is preferred for your first time using it. Because tren is notorious for having a wide range of side effects, an individual would want to be able to bail out of a cycle quickly if need be.

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Good to know. Side effects such as…

Insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, erectile dysfunction, lactation, et al.

Sweet, I can breast feed my dog. Is the ED blood pressure related?


No, it seems to be prolactin related. That’s why guys run caber on tren cycles. Personally there’s no amount of gains you could offer me that would offset having ED, but it also doesn’t happen to every guy who runs tren. It seems very individualized.

a major difference that hasn’t been brought up so far is the bioavailability of E vs A. In other words, 100mg of E is not the same as 100mg of A. I remember the gap between the 2 esters being very large, actually. I’m of the belief that this is why people are more likely to report major sides at 400-500mg of A per week, but tend to be side effect free at the same dosage with E. This has been my own experience.


That’s a great point. The gap between A and E probably doesn’t look huge on paper, for one injection. But over course of a cycle it adds up to a lot.

I’ve actually read that the ester weight of E vs A is approximately double. That’s huge on paper too lol. It would approximately mean that A is twice as effective, per mg

If it was blood pressure related I might have been ok with it. There’s pills for that but that’s a deal breaker for me as well. Any suggestions on other compounds that don’t kill your junk?

Double? Holy Hell. I didn’t realize it was that dramatic. I was just thinking about the few numbers I’d seen for test p vs test e, and they weren’t that huge of a divergence. I’m surprised. Hey, learn something new every day, right?

Yes I’ve heard that with a you’re getting about 90-92% tren and with e you’re getting about 60-70% tren give or take. I always just use a. Who cares about three pins a week?! My last hard cycle with tren though I was pinning ed and that does get old.

I personally love Tren. I have never used Ace though. If you have read up on tren you will see this thing call “tren cough.” You only see it associated with the Ace. Not sure what causes it and it seems to be a case by case thing.

There was some talk about the ester weight as well. With tren hex, it was the only version ever approved for humane use and it was always 76mgs per ml. Interestingly enough that odd ball dosage of 76 mgs had a reason behind it and that was because that tren hex weight equalled exactly 50 mgs of raw tren once the ester was removed. If memory serves me correctly the hex ester is actually slightly longer than deconate.

If your UGL has tren hex and it’s real hex it will usually be vastly more expensive than enanthate or acetate. I don’t know why but it is the same when ordering raws. It is just costs a lot more to make for some reason.

Someone asked about other compounds to take along with tren. I have always used 600mgs a day of b6. It helps lower prolactin. Now I would not recommend relying on this unless you can get a hold of bromo or caber fairly quickly. I live on the border and can get to a pharmacy and purchase whatever without a prescription within a day so. That being said I have numerous tren e at 400 a week cycles under my belt using just b6 and have never had milking issues.

For personal experience I have tried to use tren in a gaining cycle and I never get gobs of weight. What does happen is the sTRENgth goes threw the roof, I might get five pounds gained but with that I loose a couples of body fat precentage points. So I do make gains but the scale ends up not moving much.

Really? I though test E had approximately 70 percent pure testosterone, the rest being ester weight and test prop is around 82 percent pure test. I believe the same would transfer over to tren e vs tren A, but the acetate ester is shorter than the propionate ester. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t believe Tren A is DOUBLE the strength of Tren E

Well, pharm grade sustanon hurts like hell, if Tren A hurts as bad as sustanon (which I would assume it does?) then I can’t imagine how you could possible cope with ED injections. I can pin test no ester without PIP, but the last shot of sustanon left a massive welt on my ass that I thought was an abscess for a while, thank god it went down, how do you cope with ED injections (I’m curious because I’m gonna try NPP which will require daily injections to keep blood levels stable).

Also if anyone wants to see an interesting study on Trenbolone Chek out this one
Rats were given 2mg/kg/day of trenbolone vs 2mg/kg of test. The rats were castrated and tren improved cardiac and metabolic risk parameters better than test, test was said to cause widespread cardiac fibrosis and tren didn’t, tren also caused less prostate enlargement. heart health was relatively unnaffected by tren I think in this study. I doubt tren is like this for humans, is probably ten thousand times worse for heart health than test (or not, who knows, no studies) The study concludes saying Trenbolone may be an alternative androgen replacement therapy for obese men (which is obviously a terrible idea, we’d have a bunch of pissed off obese dudes running around lol) https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/157/1/368/2251856

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Haha interesting study. Actually when I pin tren a in the delt its totally fine. Legs and glutes it kills me. Go figure. Pissed off obese dudes. Damn man you’re funny.

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it may not be quite double, i’ve seen some guesses that are a little less than that. But why are you assuming that the prop ester has approximately the same weight as ace? They’re not the same.

But let’s say it’s not double Let’s say it’s half of that that ace is just 50% more effective. still a very big number.

Especially at that dose! That’d be like giving a 100kilo guy 200mg of Tren per day. That’s 1,400mg per week… they’d be flipping cars and drop kicking their bosses.

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I said acetate is shorter than prop, therefore acetate is more powerful and @Basement_Gainz the human equiv dose of this study would be roughly 20-30mg of tren per day. Rats have a different metabolism to humans, I forgot the exact number but I think it’s something like divide dose by 6.2 or something similar to that. If I was to ever take Tren (which I highly, highly, HIGHLY doubt will ever happen as there is legitimately no reason for me to need to take such a compound) I’d take acetate, it’s more potent mg/mg and it clears the system faster therefore if I got any nasty tren sides I could stop and the sides would go away quick.

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