Ever stop and think about the fact that somewhere in the world there’s a lab full of juiced up super rats?
They also have access to research grade tren, pharm grade deca, winny, var, test, anadrol etc, a commodity very few have. Is masteron still manufactured by any pharmaceutical companies, if anyone could answer this id appreciate it. I’m personally not going to use it but I’m fairly sure it’s still FDA approved therefore techniqually a compounding pharmacy somewhere may still produce it? Just curious
That’s the movie they should make. Get The Rock and Jason Statham involved, have Chris Morgan from the Fast and/or Furious franchise to write the script, and promote the shit out of it in China. Instant blockbuster.
I read somewhere that tren e don’t have the side effects as much like the cough and night sweats, ect, like tren a
Do you think this is true
I get it once every few weeks from E also, but much milder.
Im a tren-lover myself. Never had any side effects except for the friggin caugh. I have done Ace, E and tri-tren Mix. As far as the results go - i dont see or feel any difference, except that from Mix or E, i would get a caugh once every few weeks and it is kind of ok, i can still continue to, lets say - get dressed or make my food, while caughing like a tubercolosis patient.
With Ace, i would get immediate caugh, that would burn me up like a fever, i would sweat like crazy, like i would leave a small puddle under me, in like 2 minutes. And the caugh was a motherfucker, like - grab onto something and hope you get a channce to breathe in. Spit just flying all around, sweat piling, burning up feeling etc. Sometimes it was like this for 2-3 mins which, trust me, feels like AN HOUR, sometimes it was like that and then i just felt sick for an hour. Since i believe Ace should be pinned before workouts, that would sometimes ruin my plan to go to the gym because i would wanna lay in bed for 30mins.
Ace caugh is the only side effect i have had with all the steroids and use and abuse during my 14 years or actively using and it is also one of the most horrible feelings i have had. Switched to E, because i never really felt anything better from A.
Ah, also, when i used Ace, my urine smelled weird and toxic, and to a level, i would need to wash my dick after every piss i took because if at least 1 drop got into my underwear, i could friggin smell it when walking in the streets. No such problem with E.
I had horrible experience with bold ace…
EQ or bold u is known to be safe, so I figures why not try fast acting bold ace, everywhere I read it was said to cause pip worse than test prop, ok I thought.
First injection before bed and I slept horribly, never happened with anything else before, ok I thought maybe my body is getting to know bold lol…
Morning I did another injection and man… in the afternoon I felt like I was poisoned and felt so sick and cold like a bad fever… after couple of hours being dead at work, I managed to pick myself up and go to the gym and I managed to get great workout and the pump I saw was insane, unlike anything else I thought this shit is working…
Being younger and more dumb/yolo at the time I said f* it let’s do another injection and I did two injections the next day and I felt like I was burning from inside… that was enough for me, first time I quit juice without finishing it all, even superdrol at 40mg didn’t take me down.
I never have any good reaction with acetate doesn’t matter which substance. I get bad side effects and you name it I get pretty much all of them. At the same dose using enanthate or even greater dose using in enanthate I will get zero side effects.
I don’t know if it’s just me personally or if other people have found this but I believe it has to do with the fast Spike in levels that the acetate does within us and taking smaller doses but on a regular basis of enanthate keeps the body in a little state. I have tried twice a week or every 4 days but what I found is again take a smaller amount on every third day of enanthate and your levels will remain the same all the time and I have done blood work to get this confirmed. With nothing ever spiking up or down there’s no mood swings there’s no acne there’s no other issue except for tren no matter what may always cause sleep issues when taken too high dose so just take less.