Hey everyone, kickoutthejams here. My name is Pete, im 16 years old, 221 lbs, 5’10.5-11 and looking for a way to lose some more weight. I’ve been on a carb diet, sticking to about 40g of carbs a day and lost 26 pounds net (went from 252->221, weight went up to 226 then got back down to 221.)
Here I have hit a plateau of weight loss and I havent managed to get down past 221. My doctor claims my healthy weight is 210, but I was looking to go down at least another 20-30 lbs. A trainer friend of mine said protein shake for breakfast, protein bar for lunch and chicken dinner with vegetables and a combination of aerobic and anaerobic excersize which I have been doing (lower weights, higher reps for lean muscles.
I can squat 600 with the machine (I have very strong legs, played soccer and football my whole life) and I dont know about bench, my arms are sort of week, but then again I do not use these weights to excersize. I use 140 for 4 sets of 14 reps for my legs to tone out my legs and lose the fat on them.
I use a 50 pound curling bar on my arms on mondays and wedensdays. Tuesdays and thursdays I run 2 miles, which i am aware I have to run for time length instead of distance now.)
My question for you all is what am I supposed to do to get down past this weight barrier? I am willing to change lifestyles because I have allready. I don’t drink soda or eat anything sugary or bad with processed carbs (usaully, have gone off diet for xmas, etc.)
I can keep a food log, that is no problem. I aam very desperate and want to slim down my stomach and legs to wear skinnier and better fitting jeans and better fighting clothing. Thank you all for your time and thanks for the response in advance!
P.S- I have read beginner threads, and sorry if my post is out of order, im not a very big forum goer. hopefully this will improve. I am verry impressed with imformation available at this sight also!