I’m trying to organie my diet and be more consistant. Like most people it has been the weak point of my lifestyle. I eat good clean foods for the most part, buy I’m not consistant in feeding times, and macronutient ratios. I do try and keep carbs down basically because they make me fat and lazy, and I end up nodding off at work if I eat them at lunch. Here’s what I’m shooting for. I eat 5 meals each day, feeding times around 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm. I train in the evening after work usually between for 1-1.5 hours between 5pm and 8pm(gym closing time). It all depends on my work schedule. My meal choices tend to look like John Berardi’s style. 9am - oat meal and AP, noon - real food - protien and fat, 3pm - AP, flax, and some 0 calorie colon cleans. My question here is with the last meals of the day. Looking at recomendations for pre/post workout nutition, and Berardi’s meal guidelines, should I get carbs in the 6pm feeding? Should the 9pm be protien and fat? It seems almost silly to me to switch from protien and carbs to protien and fat and keep switching back and forth throughout the day. I work a 9-5 job and would like to bring only my one lunch, use shakes the rest of the time, and I would like to eat real food as much as possible during the evening. Any thoughts about my last two meals of the day?
Perhaps the thoughts were not organized well. I wrote this at work over the course of an hour or more. Basically what I’m looking for is suggestions on how to handle my evening meals. John Berardi says to eat P+C meals during the first half of the day and P+F meals at the end of the day. Almost seems to me he’s basing this on someone who trains early in the day. How can I fit these guidelines in while training in the evening, and maintaining good pre/post workout nutrition?
If you research Berardi’s guide lines a little more, you will find that although his general guide lines suggest P+F as the last meal of the day, he qualifies this with the major guide line being to ingest carbs after training (after all, it was Berardi who invented Surge). Therefore, his major recommendation if training in the evening is to sip Surge during WO followed by P+C meal 1 hour after training. And if training during the evening and going to bed in a few hours, then your post WO P+C meal would be the last meal of the day. That is how it works for me and that is what Berardi recommends. Of course, on non training days, then the last meal would be P+F instead. He specifically states that carbs after training are more important when training late in the day.