Currently Im around 198 pounds at 6 foot 4 with around 11-12% percent body fat level. I hate how I hold fat in the lower abdomen, upper back and just around my nipples. My other bodyparts look good and have vascularity and I desprately need to get rid of the fat from my lower abdomen and chest so I can have a nice beach body, but at 6 foot 4 and only 198 pounds I really need more mass. And so Im completely torn as to how to achieve 205 pounds at about 8 percent body fat. Do I bulk up first or shred then bulk up??? Im not sure but I know I hate the fat I do have and want to get rid of it. What will it take? maybe a special Berardi diet, any suggestions??
Marty, your BF is low enough that you could handle a good bulking cycle. The reason I say that is that when your BF is low and you put on scale weight, a higher percentage of what you put on ends up being muscle (if your diet is good). Of course if your BF% is on the high side and you put on scale weight, a higher percentage ends up being fat.
So my vote at this point is a bulking cycle, but not an all-out, eat-everything-in-sight binge, but more of a controlled approach.
Do you currently keep a food log? Do you know what your maintenance calories are? How much protein do you eat per day and how many meals? Finally, what kind of workout are you doing in the gym?
At only 198 @ 6"4" I would concentrate on slowly adding some mass and hopefully dropping that fat while you are at it.
You also need to remember by adding LBM the fat you do carry will look better.
As far as diet I would point you in the direction of either the “Dont Diet Diet”, or T-Dawg and go on a slightly hypercaloric bulk of 250 or so above maint… Both of these diets have proven track records of building mass while limiting fat gain.
I would love to help more but would really need more details nad you will have to pick a goal. Which is more important to cut down or build up.
Simple fact is you will have to carry some fat to build mass, just try and limit it.
So if you could come on back with some more focused goals and questions I am sure myself and others will have no prob. chiming in. ’
'Hope this helps,
Thanks guys I usually eat 5-6 meals a day my protein intake fluctuates between about 150 to 220 grams of protein, carbs would be a mixture of high and low glycemic and fluctuate between 300-500grams a day, and I try avoid all saturated fat and have small amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fats, I have a little avocado, canola oil, olives, vegetable oil dressings and some almonds and salmon(rarely). Yes My organistaion of the diet sucks I have not worked out many things and have given estimates. I want to gain muscle with minimal fat gain and Im using HST currently and do no cardio. Im not sure on my maintenance but I stay pretty much the same weight on this diet around 195-200 pounds.
I would suggest you read these;
Fat roundtable
Fat roundtable II
You really should not be shorting your self on any particular fat source. They are all needed, and have their benefits.
Hope this Helps,
Fat is very important part in your diet and you shouldnt try to keep it to a low intake. I’d shot for at least 30% of total daily intake or around .5g per lb bodyweight. Saturated fat is actually healthy for you. it’s the otherway around. The reason it got bad repuation was because people tend to associate it with trans fat which is the real problem. If you try to cut out saturatated fat and cholesterol too much, your body would have a hard time pumping out testoterone at maximum. Beradi went into detail over that so I would strongly recommend that you read all of his articles. Dr. Lowery’s articles too. Basically avoid ALL refined vegetable oils (corn, soybean, sunflower, canola) including margarines and subsitutes and stick with virgin coconut oil, organic or raw butter, and extra virgin olive oil. Go nuts on steak (preferably grass fed based) and whole eggs (preferably roam free chickens based).
Well thats all interesting anyway I thourght this might help, this is what my diet looks like on a good day. Meal 1 400ml skim milk with oats and protein carb scoop, meal 2 protein carb shake with 300ml skim milk, fruit, 4 wholegrain slices of bread with turkey and tomatoe, meal 3 chicken breast vegetables with veg oil and white rice, meal 4 250grams low fat cottage cheese with almonds and more fruit, meal 5 2 slices wholegrain bread with tuna in canola oil, meal 6 protein and carb shake with 300ml skim milk.
Marty your diet looks good with the exception of the oils you use. I would replace them with something much more benefical to you. Both of those sources are full of trans fats. I would replace one with say coconut oil/and or butter, and replace another with say flax or extra virgin olive oil.
Also are you supplementing with Fish oils??
All these fats do play a huge role in your hormonal production, as well as a bevy of other health benefits.