Diet Effect on Testosterone

Specifically the section titled dietary protein intake on testosterone.
Notable quotes:

“A cross over design study used seven normal men from 23-43 years of age and compared a high protein diet to a high carbohydrate diet (15). This study has been referenced many times and cited as proof that high protein diets lower total T levels in the blood. The high carbohydrate diet from this study will be covered in Part II. The high protein diet consisted of 44% protein, 35% carbohydrate, and 21% fat and supplied between 2400 and 2500 kilocalories per day (kcals/d). Let?s assume it was an even 2450 kcals/d. The men also had bodyweights that ranged from 64-72 kg.”

While subjects followed the high protein diet, their total T levels were 28% lower than on the higher CHO diet (15)."

Your thoughts??
The s0-called “high” protein diet isn’t too different from the 40/40/20 that a lot of people recommend.

Of course T-Levels will be low on only 2500 cals a day.

But with bodyweights between 64-72 kg, that’s about 16.5 calories per pound. That’s not exactly a starvation diet, or even a defeceit. Shouldn’t 2500 be at least maintanence, if not a surplus, for a 150 pound male?

were they training regularly? probably not.

i’m pretty sure Dr. Mauro DiPasquale found
that protein and fats elevated androgen levels, only he did his tests with athletes.

I believe i read it in his book “Amino acids and Proteins for the Athlete”