Hey guys looking for some positive criticism … this is my second cycle - my first was a cutter - i did 300mg of prop and 100mg of winny per week - very light - but i dropped 22pounds of FAT … not weight - on a low calory diet
anyways this cycle is a bulker - i started on monday - it goes as follows:
50mg dbol - every day - 3weeks
700 mg test enanthate - (350 monday, 350 thursday)
600 mg deca (300 monday, 300 thursday)
im running this cycle for 14 weeks …
my diet is as follows - i work all the time - im always rushed - but i need to grow - please let me knw where i can tweak it to maximize my gains …
7am - (pre work breakfast)
one orange
two glasses milk
5 scrambled eggs, two peices of toast (6 grams protein each)
10am (15mins break)
two peaces of fruit
gatorade or two bottles of water
12pm (1 hour lunch)
2 chicken bresast (25grams protein each - skinless)
one veggie salad
one orange
2 bottles of water
2pm (15 mins break)
one peace of fruit
5pm ( finsih work)
40 grams protein - whey
one banana
6pm (workout)
40grams protein - whey
40 grams carbs
one serving glutamine
8:30 (dinner)
2 beef burgers (30grams protein each)
2 buns with tomatoe letuce and mustards - very limited ketchup
4 glasses of water
two glasses of milk
a light snack (protein bar - 30grams protein - i hate the frickin salt in these things )
its still not enough protein but including whey (unfrotunately) im getting about
230 grams of protein - excluding dairy … about 4 glasses of milk - im guessing milk has about 7grams of protein per serving … so in total im averaging 250grams of protein per day …
what do you guys think of diet - what should i expect from this cycle if I train and eat properly - i wouldve loved to have done a bulker when i started - but i had just finished a seirous natural bulk - i went from 170 to 215 … i was one bulky fuck lol
currently im 195 at 13percent body fat - 21yrs old
please help me if you can - thanks