Diet and Cycle

Hey guys looking for some positive criticism … this is my second cycle - my first was a cutter - i did 300mg of prop and 100mg of winny per week - very light - but i dropped 22pounds of FAT … not weight - on a low calory diet

anyways this cycle is a bulker - i started on monday - it goes as follows:

50mg dbol - every day - 3weeks
700 mg test enanthate - (350 monday, 350 thursday)
600 mg deca (300 monday, 300 thursday)

im running this cycle for 14 weeks …

my diet is as follows - i work all the time - im always rushed - but i need to grow - please let me knw where i can tweak it to maximize my gains …

7am - (pre work breakfast)
one orange
two glasses milk
5 scrambled eggs, two peices of toast (6 grams protein each)

10am (15mins break)
two peaces of fruit
gatorade or two bottles of water

12pm (1 hour lunch)
2 chicken bresast (25grams protein each - skinless)
one veggie salad
one orange
2 bottles of water

2pm (15 mins break)
one peace of fruit

5pm ( finsih work)
40 grams protein - whey
one banana

6pm (workout)

40grams protein - whey
40 grams carbs
one serving glutamine

8:30 (dinner)
2 beef burgers (30grams protein each)
2 buns with tomatoe letuce and mustards - very limited ketchup
4 glasses of water

two glasses of milk
a light snack (protein bar - 30grams protein - i hate the frickin salt in these things )

its still not enough protein but including whey (unfrotunately) im getting about
230 grams of protein - excluding dairy … about 4 glasses of milk - im guessing milk has about 7grams of protein per serving … so in total im averaging 250grams of protein per day …

what do you guys think of diet - what should i expect from this cycle if I train and eat properly - i wouldve loved to have done a bulker when i started - but i had just finished a seirous natural bulk - i went from 170 to 215 … i was one bulky fuck lol

currently im 195 at 13percent body fat - 21yrs old

please help me if you can - thanks


Thi is your first post?!

If your not a troll of some kind ( giving you the benift of doubt)

Your not eating any where neear the amount you should be even if you werent using AAS.

If this is your idea of a bulk while on cycle I think you should abort the cycle, learn how to eat propperly and then realise how important it actually is! for a year or 2 and then maybe come back to the AAS.

Food rest and intensive training build you. AAS is just the cream on the top and should be used so.

Your diet is far from in check.

thanks for the input guys - i will definately add in more food - like i said the diet needed some major fine tuning - ill definately add in some major changes to my break snacks and even add in another meal … its better to fix the diet 72hours into the cycle - before its too late - once again thank you for the fast feedback

Post your updated diet if you get a chance.

I think the guys may have been a bit harsh on you for this diet though…we’ve all seen some that were much worse!

But like Bushi said, you need protein/carb mixes not just carbs. I dunno about everyone else but for a bulk I usually hit up the fast food places. Not clean food but screw it, if you are going for 7,000cals you would be eating 24/7 if it was all clean.

For your breaks, eat 8 oz meat and 1.5 cups rice. That should get your protein and carb numbers up. Realistically, you should be trying to get 2x bodyweight in grams of protein and 2.5-3.0x bodyweight in grams of carbs.

And woof down a cup of walnuts per day.

For post workout, try and get a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein - like 100g:50g

Well guys, much respect for the very helpful information … the diet was lacking - i fine tuned it - how does it look now - is it better?

6am - (pre work breakfast)
one orange
two glasses milk
5 scrambled eggs, three peices of toast (6 grams protein each)

8am (start of shift)
40 gram protein shake �?� with 40grams carbs

10am (15mins break)
one peace chicken
two peaces of fruit
one cup of oats and walnuts
gatorade or two bottles of water

12pm (1 hour lunch)
2 chicken breast (25grams protein each - skinless)
one cup of walnuts and oats
one veggie salad
one orange
2 bottles of water

2pm (15 mins break)
one peace of chicken with rice
one peace of fruit

5pm ( finsih work)
40 grams protein - whey
2 bananas
one serving of meat

6:30pm (workout)

40grams protein - whey
40 grams carbs
one serving glutamine

9:00 (dinner)
2 beef burgers (30grams protein each)
brown rice
cheese sandwich
4 glasses of water

two glasses of milk
a light snack (protein bar - 30grams protein - i hate the frickin salt in these things )
Some almonds
Some baby cookies (have some carbs and protein)

thanks again …

just jumped on the scale this morning - monday the weight was 194 … today im at 198!!! fucking sweet … i was shocked …

Thanks for the feedback man, much appreciated - the help you and the others gave me in regards to the diet is invaluable - it will undoubtedly assist me in maximizing my gains

cheers and much respect

Mmmm… cookies made of baby.

Baby. The other other white meat.


I wonder if Chef Lisa Marie has any good recipes for baby? Personally, I like fetus cookies better. They’re much more tender. You can get them at Planned Parenthood. Mix two eggs, a cup of sugar, two cups flower, a half stick of butter, and one second trimester fetus in a bender. If you want you can throw in some chocolate chips or walnuts. Add in the essence of a Gelfling you’ll get phenomenal gains.

btw something weird happend on my cycle - last week i jumped in weight huge - this week i look bigger - but i lost weight got stronger and bit more defined but i dropped 4pounds of (sitting at 196 from originally 193 and 199 after wk dbol, test and deca) … does this mean the amount im eating is still not enough - is it even possible to lose fat and gain muscle on dbol - the water retention dropped a lot to … kinda wierd … any feed back would be appreciated

I started laughing when I read your first diet layout. I saw the large dose of AAS and thought it would be a massive food intake. I’m used to eating about 7000 cals/day, so this seems like something my gf would eat. The second diet is much better, and Bushy had a great suggestion about avoiding carbs at bedtime.

Give the juice some time to kick in and let the diet take hold before modifying it again. Once you get a couple weeks in and you feel the juice you can pretty much eat as much as you want, especially on a first cycle with this proportion. You could shoot for 2-4 lbs/week. If you are seem to be gaining weigh but a bit too much fat you can cut the calories back, or better yet try to keep the calories and work on the nutrient timing. If you feel like a wuss then add in some more food. Baby would be a good choice–lots of baby fat for extra calories. haha.

yea dude - i think the food is seriously lacking - i was fine initially but im feeling really tired these last few days - and the weightloss - though it seems like all fat - clearly shows a caloric deficiency … i shouldnt be losing weight while bulking - atleast not 4pounds in a week … thanks for input boss - wow my first diet mstve really been bad -

once again, much respect for the feedback - always appreciated