[quote]pittbulll wrote:
hedo wrote:
Veterans disliked Kerry because of his anti-war stance when he returned and his testimony to congress. Most lumped him in with Jane Fonda.
For him to run on his Vietnam Service, after what he said about it, was bizarre. I understand why he did it but still it seemed very hypocritical considering his anti-military posturing.
As to his war record who the fuck knows. It was a Silver Star after all and the military doesn’t hand those out like candy. The citations are dry and factual so the intensity of the moment doesn’t always come thru. I won’t judge him cause I didn’t see it.
On the surface the Purple Heart stuff seemed pretty minor to me but if he wanted to push it to get off the river then he was entitled to do so. Many others would not have.
Many would. Some guys get into that situation and they live for it. Others get torn up by it. Again the real issue is what he said afterwards and how it was used by the NVA as propoganda. That’s what Vets remember.
Nobody here should judge McCain over what happened when he was a POW. Few would survive as well as he did in that environment. Say what you want about his politics but he was a Naval Academy Grad, Combat fighter pilot and distinguished Senator admired by both parties. Few among us could do any of those three things.
Obama and his minions would be foolish to make it an issue considering BHO’s lack of military experience or understanding.
Do you believe there were Viet Nam Vets. Left over there that America was afraid to bring back?
Between Rambo and Chunk Norris they all came home.