[quote]Tampa-Terry wrote:
XKawN, you’re touching on a subject near and dear to my heart. There are some supps out there that have positive effects on blood sugar, insulin sensitivity and weight loss. But the thing that will give your wife the biggest bang for the buck is dialing in her diet.
You’ve been helping her, but your wife needs to take charge of her diet. Have her go to www.f-heit.com and read everything on the site. It will take her awhile. (grin) Let her decide if she wants to make changes to her diet and what changes she wants to make and just how much she wants to dial in her diet and record and track what she’s eating.
I’ve been working with a neighbor of mine who’s diabetic. She was on 20 units of insulin twice a day, but she had huge blood sugar swings. I told her that if she was willing to make some changes, I thought we could improve things for her dramatically. In Lydia’s case, blood sugar would drop so low that she’d almost pass out.
I started working with her. She dropped her insulin from 20 units x 2 to 17 and then 15, 12 and then 10. I kept working with her, making changes to her diet, tweaking and adjusting and looking at her blood sugar numbers upon rising and 2 hours after a meal. We got her down to 7 and 5. Finally, her doctor switched her over to Glucophage. She had been on insulin for over 20 years. In the process of working with her, she’s went from 180 pounds to 140 pounds. 130 pounds is her goal weight.
And it’s not just the weight she’s lost and the fact that we got her off insulin. Her doctor wanted to know what the heck she’s doing because her cholesterol profile improved, triglycerides came in normal, hb1c has dropped every 3 months. You name it, and she’s within normal parameters (or headed that way!)
A year ago this time Lydia was in the hospital with congestive heart failure. Today she’s lost weight and feels good. And she did it without taking one supplement! Lydia at 65 lives on Social Security and can’t afford supps. She did it all with food and walking. She did it with the information provided on T-Nation and F-Heit.
I was totally waiting for you to tell us we could have it for all for just two easy payments of only $19.95…
To the OP-
What does any of this have to do with being diabetic? It almost sounds like she just had a bad case of gestational diabetes and it’s gone now.
Let’s face it- there are only two reasons why she would gain weight. (Only two). She’s eating more than she burns or she’s pregnant again. (Luckily for men we only have the one reason). So I echo Tirib in that you have absolutely no idea what and how much she eats every day. You certainly can’t take her word for it, as most people who are overweight don’t even realize how much they eat.
As for her glucose readings- are you there to witness all of them or are you just looking at her log? I find it extremely hard to believe that someone that overweight would have such good control, especially considering the long breaks between meals, and also have a doctor who would be willing to not put them on meds. Was she ever on any medications? What was her last A1C? How often does she check her glucose levels?
I don’t mean to be harsh, but I’m not sure you have a grip on the reality of your situation.
If I’m way off base above, then my suggestion echoes Tony Robbins’- low carb is the way to go for a diabetic. And all carbs should come from fruit and veggies. No rice, no pasta, no bread, no potatoes, etc.
If she doesn’t lose weight with that then she is pregnant.