DHEA & Anastrozole

been on anastrozole for approx. 1 month (.5 mg E3D) and already noticing positive changes (E2 was high normal). thinking about taking DHEA (total of 100-150 mg daily, in divided doses)in the near future as my BW in the past has androstenedione at 75 (range:40-190 ng/dl). unfortunately, wasn’t tested for DHEA levels. i’m guessing if i take DHEA, this will affect HPTA and lower testosterone production overall. if so, how long should i stay on this “cycle”?

c’mon now. somebody… anybody…

My DHEA was flagged low at 59 ug/dl (70-310 range) on a blood test in March. I decided to start with 25mg daily. Stayed on that for three months. New blood test in June flags me high at 355 ug/dl. So I cut back to 25mg every other day. We’ll see what the tests say in October. Bottom line is, I would suggest you get tested and then track your progress.

appreciate the info. yeah, i’m going to get dhea-s tested first before i do anything. since you’ve been on DHEA, have you noticed anything, good or bad ?

I’m on 100mg Testim and feel pretty good. I felt with that much Testim I should have a better libido. Did a little research online regarding the issue and found a few people that connected DHEA levels with libido. After using it for the last three months I would say they are right. Libido is much improved. No side effects that I am aware of.

My brother gets a good respponse from 25mg dhea ED. I got nothing from 100mg. Now take 1/8th teaspoon of dhea bulk powder, about 350mg ED. That worked well. Nottom line, some absorb and some do not.

DHEA is not going to do wonders for libido. If one is on TRT and has libido questions, estrogen is the likely cause.

DHEA levels are not steady, best to test DHEA-s instead.

ksman. So we are clear. I am on top of E levels with 1mg Arimidex weekly. Tested at 25 pg/ml last week. DHEA did do wonders for my libido. Maybe not yours due to absorption.

libido is greatly helped with acetyl l-carnithine and/or propionol l-carnithine combined with good old fashioned l-carnithine. There are differing opinions on how it works since the combination also serves to work akin to viagra for ED.

It’s thought the it both assists peripheral circulation AND sensitizes androgen receptor sites. Certainly helps build muscle, too.

Best method for use is to buy in bulk, 100 or 200 gm bottles from life-extension sources such as www.beyond-a-century.com - also a good source of progesterone, dhea, and l-leucine in bulk, all for “maturing” muscles.

[quote]kayoneill wrote:
libido is greatly helped with acetyl l-carnitine and/or propionyl l-carnitine combined with good old fashioned l-carnitine. There are differing opinions on how it works since the combination also serves to work akin to Viagra for ED.

It’s thought the it both assists peripheral circulation AND sensitizes androgen receptor sites. Certainly helps build muscle, too.

Best method for use is to buy in bulk, 100 or 200 gm bottles from life-extension sources such as www.beyond-a-century.com - also a good source of progesterone, dhea, and l-leucine in bulk, all for “maturing” muscles.[/quote]

Bulk power amino acids at www.bulknutrition.com seem to be the best value, some are by the kilo.

After reading this thread, it made me wonder what the current thinking is on DHEA vs. 7 keto DHEA. A few years back, I remember the buzz was strong about the 7 keto being better due to supposed less DHT/Estradiol production. I googled both the site and the web, and the data seems mixed and inconclusive. One thing was clear, DHEA freaked out the sports governing bodies so they banned any version from international competition.

I had a positive experience many years ago when 7 keto first came out, as I tolerated it better and got better results-but that's just one man's anecdotal experience.

www.bulknutrition.com also sells DHEA in 75 gram jars. Price is very low!!! You may need to search to find it. The product indexes on that site can be brain dead. That product works! My DHEA numbers really went up. 100mg capsules did nothing at all to my lab numbers. I take 1/8th teaspoon ED, my brother gets high numbers on 25mg/day. Some people absorb it well and some not. Without lab work, you have no idea how much to take.

those that are taking DHEA, does it matter when you take it and how you take it? ie- morning with a meal or at night on an empty stomach. also, did you notice any strength increases? i do believe DHEA is a tested substance in USAPL meets, does anyone know how long it’s detectable in your system?

Ideally you want to get DHEA threw a transdermal method. If your on HRT, ask your Dr for compounded DHEA + Pregnenolone. You do not need much when using transdermally, 25mg will do fine.

Second choice would be threw a product called Dermacrine. Go with a half dose.

If your taking it orally, it is best to dose 2 times a day with food, once in breakfast and again at later in the day, about 8 hours later/

Has anyone tried Acetyl L-Carnitine from bulknutrition? Is it any good? The price is really very low and i am just curious if it is a good deal or there’s some catch.

[quote]poophead wrote:
been on anastrozole for approx. 1 month (.5 mg E3D) and already noticing positive changes (E2 was high normal). thinking about taking DHEA (total of 100-150 mg daily, in divided doses)in the near future as my BW in the past has androstenedione at 75 (range:40-190 ng/dl). unfortunately, wasn’t tested for DHEA levels. i’m guessing if i take DHEA, this will affect HPTA and lower testosterone production overall. if so, how long should i stay on this “cycle”? [/quote]

Since adex has a half life of 50 hours not 72, you might get better results with 1/4mg EOD instead of 1/2mg ETD.
Just a suggestion…

[quote]Zluke wrote:
Has anyone tried Acetyl L-Carnitine from bulknutrition? Is it any good? The price is really very low and i am just curious if it is a good deal or there’s some catch.[/quote]

I have been taking it for about a week, but can’t really report anything yet. I will say that it’s about the best-priced source I’ve seen. I also buy their GABA, and I can positively say that 1g / day definitely puts me deeper to sleep faster.

I believe carnitine (in all its permutations) needs to load for a few weeks before being realy effective. But I do know that the version you name is in theory more efficient than plan old L-Carnitine.


[quote]Dr.PowerClean wrote:
After reading this thread, it made me wonder what the current thinking is on DHEA vs. 7 keto DHEA. A few years back, I remember the buzz was strong about the 7 keto being better due to supposed less DHT/Estradiol production. I googled both the site and the web, and the data seems mixed and inconclusive. One thing was clear, DHEA freaked out the sports governing bodies so they banned any version from international competition.

I had a positive experience many years ago when 7 keto first came out, as I tolerated it better and got better results-but that's just one man's anecdotal experience.[/quote]

What do you think now?

I’ve considered http://www.T-Nation.com/productInfo.do?id=1066793 but I have a low tolerance for caffeine, but was otherwise intererested in 7 keto DHEA to finish off the last of my weight loss.

Some articles on 7-keto and links for direct (you were right, the search engine was lousy)



Banned substances

7-keto and Carbolin 19-19

Ok, but that is really the core of HOT-ROX and some other products.

7-oxo (seems like the same as 7-keto)
and forskolin





Anyway, just following up on the adrenal support theme.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Zluke wrote:
Has anyone tried Acetyl L-Carnitine from bulknutrition? Is it any good? The price is really very low and i am just curious if it is a good deal or there’s some catch.

For myself and at least one other user I know of, ALCAR is not a good supplement. It increases brain fog and gives me a headache. For him, his dyslexia becomes markedly worse.


I think these reminders and warnings are very important for people to heed and be aware of – (a) biologically not everyone responds the same way and (b) the “not the same way” can mean dramatically different results.

Supplements are things that need care, patience, delay and professional help in many situations.