So this has been puzzling me for some time and I need some logic here.
In regards to how much you bench, then how much should you be able, and how much should you be able to squat/dead lift?
Where can you determining overall body strength and how is it measured.
If TC and the rest of the staff could chime in I would appreciate it.
There’s an article about how much you can bench in relation to your squat, deadlift, etc. if that’s what you’re asking:
If you can bench 300 pounds, how much should you be able to squat, deadlift, clean, or push press? According to one man, they’re all related. Here’s how.
Est. reading time: 5 minutes
I’m confused. I thought you were asking about the relationship between the 3 like 50 Caliber said. After I re-read your post…???
Are you asking about the big 3 relationship, or relative strength determined by lifting numbers? Or something else?
Little help?
no guys, i think he’s talking about your “power level”.
and only way you can tell is w/ a scouter scanner.
Why does it say in the article that you should be able to bench more than you front squat? I thought it was the other way around.
I know it’s different for everyone, but that is one thing that has always confused me. Front squat more than bench?
[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
no guys, i think he’s talking about your “power level”.
and only way you can tell is w/ a scouter scanner.
i lol’d
February 18, 2009, 1:51am
Why not just go to the gym and lift as much as you can for those exercises and then write it down?
Should be a lot more accurate that some formula off the net. Who cares how much you “should” lift anyway.
It’s not how much you should lift, it’s overall strength. If you have a weak back you will bench less.
So I want to know if i can bench 305 for three reps, what weight should i be rowing for three reps and then how much should i be squatting for three reps. Just relational overall strength. What shows that i have equal strength?
March 25, 2009, 12:45am
What would you expect your “overall body strength” to be measured in? I kinda see where you’re coming from, but think this through a bit more and come back.
bench+squat+deadlift = POWER LEVEL!!!