Bench : 70KG 5x5
Overhead Press : 40KG 5x10
Pull Ups : 50 total
Hammer Curls : 14KG 3x10
Dips : 10KG 3x10
Facepulls : 5 plates 3x10
Squats : 90KG 3x5
Deficit deadlift : 90KG 5x10
Leg Raises : 5x10
Deload over bring on 60% phase 2
Overhead Press : 55KGx5, 62.5KGx5, 70KGx5
Bench : 60KG 5x10
Pendlay Rows : 60Kg 5x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
BB Curls : 38.5KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 6 plates 3x10
Cycle 2 of the 3 month challenge is certainly challenging.
Deadlift : 122.5KGx5, 140KGx5, 157.5KGx5
Squat : 95KG 5x10
Cable Crunches : stack+7.5KG 5x20
Wow. The higher volume on the squats was recking me. I spent my 60 second rest period leaning against the bar trying to get my breath back. This cycle is going to be brutal. Im dreading the 70% in cycle 3
Interval training - 30 mins
Bench : 67.5KGx5, 77.5KGx5, 87.5KGx5
Overhead Press : 50KG 5x10
Pull Ups : 50 total
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Hammer Curls : 16KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 6 plates 3x10
Overhead press was killer
Squat : 110KGx5, 125KGx5, 140KGx5
Deficit Deadlift: 110KG 5x10
Hanging leg raises : 5x10
Deficit deads felt real good
Light cardio. 30 min hill walk at 6.5KM/hr
Overhead Press : 57.5KGx3, 67.5KGx3, 75KGx3
Bench : 60KG 5x10
Pendlay Rows : 60KG 5x10
BB Curls : 41KG 3x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Face : Pulls 6 plates 3x10
Deadlift : 130KGx3, 150KGx3, 167.5KGx3
Squat : 95KG 5x10
Cable Crunches : stack +7.5KG 5x20
Bench : 72.5KGx5, 82.5KGx5, 92.5KGx5
Overhead Press : 50KG 5x10
Pull Ups : 50 total
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Hammer Curls : 18KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 6 plates 3x10
Squat : 117.5KGx5, 132.5KGx5, 150KGx5
Deficit Deadlift : 110KG 5x10
Hanging Leg Raises : 5x10
walk/run 5km with weight vest
Overhead Press : 62.5KGx5, 70KGx3, 77.5KGx1
Bench : 60KG 5x10
Pendlay Rows : 60KG 5x10
BB Curls : 41KG 3x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 6plates 3x10
Deadlift : 140KGx5, 167.5KGx3, 175KGx1
Squat : 95KG 5x10
Cable Crunches : stack+10KG 5x20
Bench : 77.5KGx5, 87.5KGx3, 97.5KGx1
Overhead Press : 50KG 5x10
Pull Ups : 50 total
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Hammer Curls : 18KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 6 plates 3x10
2 Days ago
Squat : 125KGx5,140KGx3, 167.5KGx1
Deficit Deadlift : 110KG 5x10
Hanging Leg Raises : 5x10
Today DELOAD!!!
Overhead Press : 50KG 3x5
Bench : 60KG 5x10
Pendlay Rows : 60KG 5x10
Dumbell Curls : 16KG 3x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Facepulls : 6 plates 3x10
Changed to dumbell curls as getting some tendonitis in my right arm from straight bar curls
Deadlift : 100KG 3x5
Squat : 95KG 5x10
Cable Crunches : stack+10KG 5x20
3 Days ago
Bench : 60KG 3x5
Overhead Press : 50KG 5x10
Pull Ups : 50 total
Hammer Curls : 18KG 3x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Face pulls 6 plates 3x10
2 Days ago
Squat : 80KG 3x5
Deadlift : 110 KG 5x10
Hanging leg raises : 5x10
finaly deload is complete, 3rd and final cycle
Overhead Press : 57.5KG x5, 65KG x5, 72.5KG x5
Bench : 70KG 5x10
Pendlay Rows : 70KG 5x10
DB Curls : 18KG 3x10
Dips : 12.5KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 7 plates 3x10
Deadlift : 127.5KFx5, 145KGx5, 162.5KGx5
Squat : 110KG 50 total reps
Cable Crunches : stack + 10Kg 5x20
Could not do the squats in 5x10 for my life. I settled for the first set at 10 reps then just kept pushing out as many as possible with 30 sec rest breaks until I hit 50 reps.
Bench : 70KGx5, 80KGx5, 90KGx5
Overhead Press : 57.5KG x10, x8, x9, x8, x8, x7
Pull Ups : 50 total
Dips : 15KG 3x10
Hammer Curl : 18KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 7 plates 3x10
Squat : 115KGx5, 130KGx5, 145KGx5
Deficit Deadlift : 125KG x10, x10, x9, x8, x7, x6
Hanging Leg Raises : 3x10
70% for 5x10 is a killer. Aiming for 50 total reps instead with only 30-45 sec breaks
20 mins light cardio
Overhead Press : 60KGx3, 70KGx3, 77.5KGx3
Bench : 70KG x10, x10, x10, x8, x8, x4
Pendlay Rows : 70KG 5x10
Dips : 15KG 3x10
DB Curls : 18KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 7 Plates 3x10
Deadlift : 135KGx3,155KGx3, 172.5KGx3
Squat : 110KG 50 reps total
Cable Crunches : stack + 12.5KG 5x10
Bench : 75KGx3, 85KGx3, 95KGx3
Overhead Press : 57.5KG 50 total reps
Pull Ups : 50 total
Dips : 15KG 3x10
Hammer Curls : 18KG 3x10
Face Pulls : 7 Plates 3x10
Squat : 122.5KGx3, 137.5KGx3, 155KGx3
Deadlift : 125KG 5x10
Hanging Leg Raises : 5x10