Just finished running classes out of our gym so now have sufficient time to train properly once more! So I am kicking it off with a training log.
Over the last year or so I have been maintaining my CV fitness with 1 short run every 7-10 days. I have been lifting once or twice each week, owing to a lack of time. I’ve been smart, trained hard and focused only on the things I really couldn’t do without.
Current 1RMs:
Squat 190kg (PB 230kg)
Dealift 222.5kg (PB 230kg)
Bench Press 127.5kg (PB 140kg)
Strict Press 77.5kg (PB 95kg)
Body Mass: 94kg (was about 95-97kg for PBs)
Increase Body Mass to 97kg by end of January, keeping BF% below 20%.
Deadlift 250kg by end of April
Squat 230kg by end of April
Bench Press 140kg by end of April
Compete in U100kg with 1RM or drop to U90 and accept a drop in total… UNDECIDED.
Compete in Judo competition in early 2015 in U100, then in Spring in U90.
Last nightâ??s training:
Back Squat 4x6 @150kg
Barbell Row 3x12 @55kg
DB Bench Press 12@20kg, 12@25kg, 10@32.5kg
Cross Walk 3 x 30sec with 2x20kg KB
Hip Thrust 12@30kg, 12@40kg, 12@60kg
Tuesday Night:
Push Press 5x3@70kg
Deadlift 4x6 @130kg
Chin Ups 3x8
Curls 3x10@30kg
RKC Plank 3x30sec
Ran 7km in 35min. Howling wind and rain. Some fast sections but mostly LSD.
Power Clean 5x3@80kg
Bench Press 4x6@90kg
Lunges 3x12/12@40kg BB
Farmer’s Walk 50m @100kg x3
Dips 3x12
Monday PM
Back Squat 5x3 @170kg
Yates Row 3x8 @50kg
DB Bench Press 3x6 @40kg DB
1x4 @40kg DB
Drop 1x3 @27.5kg DB
Double KB Swing 2x20kg KB x8
Med Ball Russian Twist x30
27th December
Back Squat 5x75, 5x95, 3x115, 5x125, 5x140, 9x160
Hack Squat 5x10 @40kg TUT
KB Side Bends 3x10 per side @20kg
HLR 2x10
Back Extension 5x10
Weighed in at 96.8kg today
Tonight’s session
OHP 5x35, 5x45, 3x50, 5x55, 5x65,
DB Incline 3x10 @32.5, 2x drop sets
(6@32.5, 4@25)
Chins 12, 8
Pull Down 3x10 @85
Push Downs 5x10 @20
NYE Lifts
90x5, 110x5, 135x3, 145x5, 165x5, 190x6 (last set with straps)
BB Lunges
2x10/10 @30kg
Hamstring Curl
10@45, 10x55, [5@80, 2@75, 1@70, 1@65, 1@60 - DROP SET]
Hanging Leg Raise 3x10
Calf Raise
20x25kg, [10x50kg, 10x25kg - DROP SET]
Today’s session:
Bench Press 45x5, 55x5, 65x3, 75x5, 85x5, 95x9
Press Ups 5x10
Pull Aparts (Red Band) 2x10
TRX Face Pulls 3x10
French Press 5x10 @16kg
Squats Day
A Back Squat 75x5, 95x5, 115x3, 130x3, 150x3, 170x9
B1 Side Bends 10 @20kg (x3)
B2 HLR x10 (x2)
C Smith Machine Hack Squat (Narrow) 3x10 @40kg, 2x10 @60kg
D Swiss Ball Back Extension 5x10
Confident on the squat, pushed out 6, had a word with myself before hitting the last 3. Had a tenth but form started to come apart on the ninth. Predicted 1RM at 219kg, so looking hopeful!
Monday Night
A OHP 5x40, 5x45, 3x50, 3x60, 3x70, 6x75
B DB Incline Press 5x10 @30kg
C Chin Ups 14, 6
D Pull Downs 3x10 @70kg
E Single Arm Push Down 5x10/10 @9kg
Tuesday Night
A. DL 5x75, 5x95, 3x115, 3x155, 3x175, 4x200 (straps last set)
B. Block Deadlift 5x130
C. Press Ups 5x10
3 circuits of:
D1 HLR x10
D2 Renegade Twist 10kg x10
D3 Weighted Sit Up 6kg x 10
A Back Squat 5x75, 5x95, 3x110, 5x140, 3x160, 3x180
B HLR 2x10
C Side Bends 4x10/10 @20kg, 10/10 @24kg
D Smith Machine Hack Squat 10 @20kg, 4x10 @60kg (401)
E Swiss Ball Back Extension 2x10
Last night
OHP 5x35, 5x45, 3x55, 5x65, 3x75, 5x80
DB Bench 4x10 @32kg, last set 8@32, 2@26
Chins 10, 10, 5, 5
Pull Downs 3x10 @65
Triceps Push Downs 5x10/10 @11.5
Last night’s session:
DL 5x95, 5x115, 3x135, 5x165, 3x185, 1x210 (no straps, alternate grip)
American DL 3x10 @50
Lunges 3x10/10 @30
HLR 3x10
RKC Plank 3x30sec
Seated Calf Raise 3x10 @30
A Bench Press 5x45, 5x55, 3x65, 3x80, 3x90, 8x100
B1 Press Up x10
B2 French Press x10 @16kg (x5)
C TRX Face Pull 3x10
D Band Pull Aparts 3x10
Sat in traffic for 2hrs on the way home so was late to the gym and as a result, experienced my pet hate; moiderers in the gym!
Gym very busy tonight, so forced to compromise on some exercises slightly, but made best use of what we could.
Friday - Hill Sprints (20min session)
Saturday - Squat Deload
A Back Squat 5x75, 5x95, 3x115, 3x5 @115kg experimented with wider stance and lower bar position- prefer this style!
B1 Cable Wood Chop x10
B2 Cable Palloff Press Hold x20sec (x3/side)
C HLR 3x10
D Hack Squat 5x10
Tonight’s session: OHP Deload
A OHP 5x35, 5x40, 4x5 @50kg
B Dips 2x10 @Bodyweight, 1x10 @10kg, 2x10 @16kg
C T-Bar Row 1x10 @10, 4x10 @25
D Triceps Push Downs 1x10/10 @11.5, 1x10/10 @13.5, 1x10/10 @16.5, 1x6-4 @16.5-13.5, 2/2/2/2/2 @13.5, 11.5, 8.5, 6.5, 4.5
E Seated Calf Raise 20@20kg, 20@30kg, 20@35kg
1RM predicted after this cycle (bench on Thursday)
Squat - 191 (based on 180kg x 3)
Deadlift - 210 (based on 210kg x 1)
OHP - 87 (based on 75kg x 6)
Bench Press - ?