Hey there! my name is jonas and i struggle with a big issue… im 6’6 (203cm) and i weigh 80kg! i look skinny and bony and i get alot of comments… i got no ass what so ever and my chest looks like someone falcon punched it in… really!
I got so sick and tired of everyone saying i was skinny and awfull so i thought guess what? im going to prove all of you wrong and do whatever it takes to get some muscle on my body!
i was looking into steroids and what they could do for me because as a 18 year old i thought with my small mind “Hey ill take some steroids and workout and get huge!” but i droped that pretty fast, i dont want to inject and eat stuff thats not healthy for me and i want to do it the right way and thats why i made a user here and possibly made a post you have seen 1000 times…
I’ve read alot, up and down and come to the conclusion i dont kinow what the f*** im reading… i have no clue and i really want to get this right!
My goals are to top 100kg and build some chest and arm muscles, also increase the size of my legs.
What i have done is that i started on a training program called 5x5 Stronglifts and started eating like a horse and drink gainers… i was 74 now im 80kg.
i’ve hit the gym once and im going for the second time tomorow ( doing monday, wednsday, friday)
and i have a hard time doing deadlifts and squats because i cant get my back straight?!
What im really asking for is…
Is 5x5 a good training program for a new guy starting out?
Could anyone tell me how i should do squats and deadlifts when im so tall?
Also all tips are welcome and i hope i havent made a too messy topic and i hope to get some serious answers…
Thanks for your time and answers 
- Depressed and motivated 18 year old skinny guy
You are no different than every other beginner. Read the sticky threads, eat big, train full body, go heavy.
With that aside, weight training at 6’6" is harder than weight training at 5’10". Deadlifts, squats, and benches will be more difficult. What I would recommend is do it anyway. Then when you’re done building a base of strength, size, and knowledge, move onto another goal, whether it be more muscle ( Do This Routine Instead of That Dumb One - Competitive Bodybuilding - Forums - T Nation ) or more strength.
I am also 6’6" and started off really skinny. Like the other poster pointed out it is more difficult for a taller lifter. The most important thing is to stick with it and perservere. Focus on increasing your poundages, in good form, on big, basic, compound exercises. Don’t compare your progress to others, concentrate on beating your own records.
Also, if I change one thing about might training over the years, it would be that I wouldn’t have gone to failure on the vast majority of my sets. In my opinion people with longer limbs are more at risk for joint injuries due to longer levers. I think leaving one two reps in the tank is a better over all strategy. 5x5 is a good program, but in the end it is mostly trial and error to find out what works best for you. Look up the “Westside For Skinny Bastards” articles.
They are designed for guys in your situation Arm yourself by reading and learning as much as possible. You have made a huge step by coming to this site. In my opinion there is no better source of information available in one spot anywhere. I just wish it were available when I was your age. Good luck.
Hi Jonas. I started on SL5x5 myself and found it to be ok for an absolute beginner. Despite what they tell you in the workout / forum, feel free to add in any isolation/assistance work you feel like as well. It’s one of those nice simple programmes that I keep coming back to now and then. SL5x5, Reg Park’s 5x5 and Starting Strength are all quite popular beginner programmes aimed at developing strength in the main lifts.
Also take a look at kingbeef’s thread here: http://tnation.T-Nation.com/free_online_forum/sports_body_training_performance_bodybuilding/do_this_routine_instead_of_that_dumb_one
One thing though - at 6’6" you’ll still look fairly skinny at 100kg. Good luck!
[quote]Grumpig Hunt wrote:
One thing though - at 6’6" you’ll still look fairly skinny at 100kg. Good luck![/quote]
x2 on this, forgot to mention. 6’6" you’ll probably end up at 250 or something before you have the look you want.
[quote]louiek wrote:
[quote]Grumpig Hunt wrote:
One thing though - at 6’6" you’ll still look fairly skinny at 100kg. Good luck![/quote]
x2 on this, forgot to mention. 6’6" you’ll probably end up at 250 or something before you have the look you want.
Yeah, I was up to a ‘chubby’ 242 at 6’6" and looked big to the average joe. Currently cutting but I am pretty sure 240 lbs at our height with a BF% around 10 will look pretty good. … I hope.