P.s. got a new favourite workout tune
gets me pumped every time… but still not as much as A7X
Thursday 17 June
Friday 18 June
Mobility and row warmup
A1) Power Cleans - 67.5kg x 3,3,3,3,3
A2) Glute Bridge - 3 sets of 8, w/ 5 sec isometric holds
B) Deadlift - 110kg x 3, 115kg x 5, 117.5kg x 5,4,4
C1) Pullups - 10,8,8,7,7
C2) Bridges - 2 sets (one alternating positions)
D) Bent Over Rows - 60kg x 7, 65kg x 6, 70kg x 6, 67.5kg x 3 pronated + 3 supinated, 10 supinated
Farmers walk circuit
Had to scrap original metcon as i’ve blown up my shoulders again, so i just stopped the thrusters and made it shorter, still worked a sweat up
Whole workout felt really good, cleans just flew up, feel like i could easy do 70, now i just needa improve my squats so i can do squat cleans not just powers
Deadlift really good today, definately gonna try and hit 120 for 5 next time round, little bit annoyed that im going away in 2 weeks as im feeling really in the zone but my body probably needa a break
Pullups felt really good, scrapped the weight and focused on form, getting chest to bar every rep and making sure i pulled through my lats, want to get 50 reps in 5 sets within a month
once again had to scrap original farmers walk plan because of blown shoulders but i still got in a little bit of grip training, might make a wrist wroller on sunday instead
------ Pain is temporary, Glory is forever -------
Took the weekend off cos i had a mates 18th and well… i wasn’t in any state to train on either saturday or sunday
Monday 21 June
Leg Workout
A1) Power Snatches - 40kg x 3 + 1OHS, 5 + 1OHS, 5 + 3OHS (34kg), 5
A2) Glute Bridges w/ isometric holds
B1) Back Squats - 75kg x 5,5,5,5,5
B2) Face Pulls - 25kg x 12,12,12,10
C1) RDL’s - 50kg x 8,8, 40kg x 12,12
C2) Natural Glute Ham Raise on Lat Pulldown - 8,8,8
D1) Bulgarian Split Squats - 60kg x 2,3,3 (each leg)
D2) Rear Delt Flyes - 12.5kg x 12,12,12
Snatches felt sloppy at the start, but as soon as i started getting my feet in the right position they felt really good and powerful, gonna go up to 45kg next time round, but my OHS really needs some work, might start up on 30kg next time because it’s definately my weakest lift
Bit dissapointed with my squats as they didn’t go up from last time, but i guess that’s life
dropped the weight down after a couple sets in RDL’s as i wasn’t feeling it as much through my hammy’s at 50, really like doing em and those glute ham raises get some funny looks from others at the gym
Definately keeping the split squats in the program, love the feeling of them and i know the potential benefits of adding in some unilateral work
Gonna keep adding in lots of rear delt work to equal out my shoulders so they’re a bit more symmetrical and to hopefully stop all of my shoulder pain
Decided i’m gonna test my 1RM’s before i go away, which means i’ll finish this 5 day split and then test the respective lifts on the day that i’d usually do them
this means
22nd = chest and arms
24th = back
26th = test power snatch and back squat 1RM (55kg & 90kg)
27th = test bench, chinup and dip 1RM (85kg, 40kg & 40kg)
29th = test power clean, deadlift (85kg & 145kg)
30th = test bent over row and military press 1RM (85kg & 60kg)
all of those numbers in brackets are my goals, if i get higher i’ll be stoked, lower and i won’t be overly dissapointed as i haven’t done any proper testing since late last year, especially the bench which i actually can’t remember the last time i did…
-------------- Pain is temporary, Glory is forever ----------------
One last post for tonight… another all time favourite pump up song for whenever i don’t feel in the mood to lift, always gets me going and seems to make me go harder and heavier
non final fantasy version didn’t allow embedding… although i’m sure noone minds
Tuesday 22 June
Chest and Arms
A1) Incline DB Press - 27.5kg x 6,6,5,4
A2) Low to high cable flye - 1 weight x 8,8,7,8
B1) Chin Ups - 20kg x 9,6,5
B2) Barbell Curls - 27.5kg x 10,7,7
C1) Dips - 20kg x 8,6, 6 + 2 forced,5 + 3 forced
C2) Overhead DB extension - 12.5kg x 10,7, 10kg x 9,7
D1) Pinch Grip Deads - 20kg + training plate grip w/ 20kg extra weight
D2) Feet elevated pushups - max x 4, and 1 set max w/20kg
Really, really, really shit day. I got in there, warmed up and my headphones were broken so i connected my ipod to the speakers cos i had the gym to myself but then a little old lady came in halfway through ‘unforgiven 2’ and gave me a dirty look so i had to turn my music off and workout, really pissed off and not lifting well. Chinups were shithole too, should have gotten at least 10 today on my first set but the weight vest is pretty poorly designed so i can’t comfortably put my arms above my head.
Did the incline presses on a higher angle than usual so im not too unhappy with the results
Things finally got better when i got to try out my new weight vest on the dips and the new dip machine the gym just got; really good width for me and i didn’t get any pain in my chest which is awesome so i can feel my dips are going to start going up because the vest felt really good doing them
metcon and bench technique practice tomorrow to forget about today…
Wednesday 23 June
Got a bit carried away and did nothing but bench today, but everything started pretty good as i’ve never benched more than about 80 but i flew past it.
worked up to
85 x 3
90 x 2
95 x 1 just flew off my chest, stoked thinking i can easily get over 100 but contemplating not doing it as im not at my regular gym, no spotter and was only planning on technique for today cos chest session was yesterday
then… 100kg
What started out with me being super stoked ended in me being mega fucking pissed off. Easily hit 95kg for 1 rep and then dads trainer (i went to dad’s ‘lifestyle club’ for old people) started asking me about my benching and ended up spotting me. Put it up to 100kg, and needless to say he was a retard, 1st attempt he basically lifted it for me which just pisses me off so i told him not to spot like that, and so he got dad to grab the other end of the bar and didn’t tell him what was happening and dad has never benched in his life.
Went for my 2nd attempt and as i was lifting it off i wasn’t thinking about my technique and instead what was happening, no power out of the bottom then this guy lifts his end of the bar up without telling my dad, my chest gets all out of whack, i’m pushing really hard unevenly and eventually the bar gets back to the rack.
Get home and my chest is in really bad pain as if ive torn something… FML…
probably over reacted to earlier hahaha don’t think anythings injured, except for my ego for failing 100
Think when i properly test my maxs in a few days i’ll easy get 100, maybe even 105. Forgot to mention in my earlier post that i was using the technique that Dave Tate shows in his 6 week bench press cure for the first time ever, whereas i usually just plop under and flare my arms, which would explain why my shoulders are problemed and why my bench was never great.
Hope my squat can get over 100 otherwise that’s kinda embarrassing…
Thursday 24 June
Mobility warm up + metcon work: farmers walks, burpee pull ups and rowing intervals
Back Workout
A1) Power Cleans - 50kg x 3, 60kg x 3, 65kg x 3, 70 kg x 3,3,3,3,3
A2) Glute Bridges and four way squats (AR)
B1) Deadlifts - 90kg x 5, 110kg x 2, 115kg x 2, 120kg x 3,4,5,4
B2) Reverse Pull throughs (AR)
C) Pullups - BW x 12,9,8,8,8
D) Bent Over Rows - 60kg x 6, 65kg x 6, 70kg x 6,6,6,6
Bilateral Four Corners Farmer’s Walk
Place two cones at either end of the gym. Stand at one end holding a pair of heavy dumbbells (17.5kg) . Don’t put them down until you’ve finished the entire routine!
Step 1: Start at one cone and walk to the other end to perform 6-8 reps of a bent-over row.
Step 2: Walk to the other end and perform 8-10 cleans. Finish holding both dumbbells at your shoulders in the racked position.
Step 3: Still holding the dumbbells in the racked position, walk back and do a set of 6-8 dumbbell front squats.
Step 4: Return to the other cone, this time performing as many shrugs as possible until you drop the dumbbells. (20 both times)
Performed 2 sets, doing a 40kg each hand farmers walk around the perimeter of the gym in between… probably not the best decision which i realised in the second set, but pain is only temporary so i pushed through
Started doing shoulder presses as Active Recovery (AR) for pullups, but after the second set my outer chest really hurt where it did last night so im a little pissed off as it affected my pullup numbers, but such is life
Started off feeling a bit flat, but i had the gym to myself so i turned the music up extra loud and really got into the metcon work especially the ergo’s, and soon enough the power cleans were flying up, and everything went very smoothly from there. Hope to hit 140 for the deads when i test my max’s, back twinged so i didn’t wanna push it by finishing the pyramid
Bent over rows felt really easy too. Found myself a training partner and spotter from now on too so im stoked with that, he did the farmers walks with me today without a complaint so he should be able to push me.
Went to see dad’s friend who’s a nutritionist today and gonna sort out a basic diet plan to help my bulk as i’m really struggling to gain the weight cos i always forget to eat, and obviously don’t eat enough of the right things.
Basic diet at the moment is lots of veggies, some fruit, protein at every meal, plenty of healthy fats and minimal grains. Dietician said i might have to add grains back into my diet e.g. bread if i wanna gain weight as it will make it a lot easier, because i can’t keep on constantly making my own flax bread once university and rowing start to get hectic as i won’t have any time.
BMR is 2770, which he said was pretty high for a person of my weight and body fat (78 kg and 13.5%), so thinking about the exercise i’m doing at the moment etc. he said a min of 4000, aiming to eventually get intake to 5500 cals and my weight to 85kg by december.
I’m out now… time for an olive oil shooter!
Saturday 26th June
1RM Testing
A) Power Snatch - 40kg x 5, 45 x 2, 50 x 1, 52.5 x 1, 55 x F, 55 x 1, 57.5 x 1
B) Back Squat - 70kg x 3, 80kg x 3, 90kg x 1, 100kg x 1, 105kg x 1
Power Snatches felt alright, think i probably could have pushed it to 60kg but there were heaps of people in the gym and if i failed it and fel on my ass i would have gotten a talking to so im happy with 57.5, still beat my aim of 55kg
Squats felt pretty shit, new training partner wanted to spot me from behind and i’ve never been spotted squatting before so it felt really awkward and i’m not sure if i was going down to parralel even though he says i was. Probably because i squat ATG really deep usually and i was only going to parralel or just below on these, think i can easy get 110kg if i didn’t have him spotting me that way and i could just do my own thing.
Haven’t done a Sprint 8 in a while and i think thats nearly my best average i’ve gotten (not including the first interval which i use as a semi warm-up). Intensity really ramped up and i ended up physically shifting the ergo by the end so that’s always a good sign you’ve pushed hard.
Monday 28 June
1RM Testing
A) Bench Press - Warm up to 90kg x 2, 100kg x 1, 105kg x 1, 110kg x 1, 115kg Fail
B) Chinups - 20kg x 5, 30kg x 3, 35kg x 2, 40kg x 1, 45kg x 1, 50kg Fail, 47.5 Fail
C) Weighted Dips - 20kg x 6, 30kg x 3, 40kg x 2, 50kg x 1, 55kg Fail, 52.5kg x 1
Really happy overall with the results, got some wierd looks and funny comments when i was in the gym at peak hour with 50kg hanging from a rope around my waste but thats half the fun anyway.
Chin was literally a centimeter under the bar on the 47.5kg, think that my true 1RM is 46.25kg but oh well didn’t have time to test it as other people wanted to use the bar
Same with dips and bench, think that 53.75 and 112.5 are probably my true maxes but thats really drawing straws
Front squats felt pretty shitty, and after today i have realised that my upper body is stronger than my lower which is a worry, so i’m going to have to design or find a routine to really emphasise on improving my squat numbers
I think i’ve found the key…
They key to gaining weight…
I won’t hold out any longer cos i’m farting so bad i think in 5 minutes i’ll be shitting not typing, but i’ve finally realised after reading Wendlers latest interview how i can gain weight: a massive shake after some meals.
And since i hate buying pre-made weight gainers heres the recipe i’ve knocked up:
Half litre Full cream milk (around 400 kcals)
100g Milled Flaxseed (around 500 kcals)
30ml Coconut Oil (around 250 kcals)
30ml Olive Oil (around 250 kcals)
35ml Maple Syrup (around 125 kcals)
30g Protein powder (125 kcals)
Total: 1650 kcals in one delicious shake that for some reason reminds me of cookies and cream ice cream…
As i already probably eat around 2000 kcals or more, just one of these shakes a day should help me reach my goals, so when i get back from Germany i’ll start having them on hard training days at first and then maybe integrating them more often to help me bulk up so i don’t get thrown around in the boat as easily in the big surf.
Wednesday 30 June
1 RM Testing
A) Power Clean - 70kg x 3, 75 x 3, 80 x 2, 85 x 1, 90 x 1. 95 Fail, 92.5 Fail, Fail
B) Deadlift - 90kg x 5, 100 x 3, 110 x 3, 115 x 2, 120 x 2, 127.5 x 1, 135 x 1, 140 x 1, 145 x 1, 150 x 1, 155 Fail
Pretty stoked with today, just pissed off i didn’t bring chalk which really hindered my deadlift going up since i use a double overhand grip (should probs do mixed). Think my true max probs sits at 155
Not much to say, just realy sore from all this max effort shit! time for some recovery tomorrow
So all up here are my 1RM’s:
Power Snatch - 57.5kg / 126.75 pounds
Back Squat - 105kg / 231.5 pounds
Bench Press - 110kg / 242.5 pounds
Chinups - BW + 45kg / BW + 100 pounds
Weighted Dips - BW + 52.5kg / BW + 115.75 pounds
Power Clean - 90kg / 198.5 pounds
Deadlift - 150kg / 330 pounds
Might try some tbt next cycle and see if i can up all of these numbers
Well what a shitty day to leave the country… one of my mates dad’s just commited suicide but my flights are already booked so not much i can do.
Just before i got the news i was complaining about not getting enough calories in today… really puts shit into perspective when someone dies.
“Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives.”
Shit like this makes me wanna live every day to its fullest cos it reminds me of how short life can be… everytime i wanna complain about whether it’s too cold to train or if i’m still sore from last session i’ll know that my excuses are petty compared with the challenges some face daily. My physical pain when i train is only temporary, but the emotional pain of losing a loved one hurts forever.
RIP Michael. You’ll be remembered.
Back from Germany and i think i’m slightly less fit to say the least… Copious amounts of german beer, partying and constant travelling isn’t the best combination for maintaining fitness.
Anyways, we took one of the boats up north to lancelin last night and this morning to find some big swells and were greeted by 6-12ft boomers!
Needless to say there was a bit of carnage but it was good to catch some waves after not seeing a beach for three weeks, and at the end of the day we only had one broken oar, some vomiting, an injured shoulder and a possibly broken nose so i’d say it was a successful session! that plus a very epic night at the local pub which i’m still feeling made it an awesome first day back in quiet ol’ perth.
But what this does mean is the season is starting again and thus i have to get a new program sorted because the one they write for us is pretty shit hole and doesn’t push me hard enough.
Thinking of a mutated version of a Waterbury style total body split and alphas giant sets plus i needa do ergo work and sessions on the water. Gonna start with a 5 day split and then slowly lengthen it out to three weights sessions a week.
kk well i decided not to complicate things and have decided on minimal exercises:
Today’s session was:
3 Rounds of
A) Squat - 60kg x 8,7,7,8
B) BOR - 65kg x 8,9,10,12
C) Incline DB Bench - 25kg x 8,6,6 (one set of 100kg assisted bench before x 6)
D) Power Cleans - 65kg x 5,5,5,5
P.S just remembered a funny story that makes me happy i have a serious, powerlifting friendly gym
Went to fitness first in germany, and i had just grabbed the pullup bar when this guy stands about a metre in front of me to check himself out in the mirror. Now i know zee German’s don’t have any regard for personal space when walking down the street but i thought i could finally breathe in the gym.
Then he continues to grab some gel and start styling his hair all the while with me sitting there awkwardly waiting to use the pullup bar. After once again checking himself out head to toe in the mirror he looks at me like im crazy for doing exercise in a gym and sits down and reads the paper, occasionaly moving a few weights around on the smith machine before throwing his towel over his shoulder and apparently calling it a day after his big ‘workout’.
That shit really grinds my gears…