I followed the stickies and found a compounding pharmacy (which is no defunct, but has a website). The compounding pharmacy suggested a doctor for HRT, which is an Osteopathic Doctor. I tried doing some research on this doctor, but the only thing I could find was that he legally prescribed marijuana (I am in Hawaii).
I did check my health insurance and this is an actual doctor, which is covered under my plan. So that got rid of that concern, but how do you know if the doctor will prescribe bio-identical chemical route or whether they will go with test cyp, etc…?
I posted my blood work a couple of years ago, but my wife and I were talking and we decided it is time to go get a serious look at my blood hormone levels. I’ve read the stickies, etc… but I am more concerned about wasting my time with a doctor that will do all the work up just to provide yam soup or something.
There is no way to know except to risk the time and energy of an office visit. You have a referral which is one positive sign, but you have to have an in person meeting.
Thank you very much for your reply Pure. I have my first appointment tomorrow, and I am interested to get the full blood panel just to see what they say.
I posted my blood work 3 years ago (04/28/2008) when I was 26. At that time my results were:
Test: 251 on a 190-1037 scale
17-Hydroxyprogesterone 35 on a 32-307 scale
FSH- 6.8 on a 1.3-19.3 scale
LH 2.0 on a 1.2-8.6 scale
Prolactin 11.2 on a 2.6-13.1 scale
TSH, w/ Reflex to free T4 2.87 on a .28-4.02 scale
So hopefully things go well and the blood work will shed some light.
[quote]PureChance wrote:
There is no way to know except to risk the time and energy of an office visit. You have a referral which is one positive sign, but you have to have an in person meeting.[/quote]
your TSH doesn’t look so good
need more tests in that area.
I went to the doc last Friday. He said that my test levels (at the time, 26 yo) were ridiculously low and was worried that I should visit an endo. I did send all my paper work at the time to an endo, but they had no concern and said it was “normal”.
He decided he wanted to get some test run, so I went last Saturday. Due to no one on Hawaii can do a free test test, they had to send it to the mainland. It should take about three weeks.
The doctor said it would be my choice of injections, gel, or natural gel from a compounding pharmacy in Florida.
When test results come back, Ill post.