Hey everyone. I’m turning 21 this Sunday and I just got done looking at exile-swede’s ridiculously well proportioned, 31 year old performance photos ( http://www.T-Nation.com/tmagnum/readTopic.do?id=1478463&pageNo=0 ).
Now, I’ve had my fair share of regrets in life, like not laying certain hotties back in high school that I could’ve and so on. But I will not stand for for being 31 and looking back at the wealth of information I had at my disposal and STILL being unsatisfied with my physique. I’ve always gained muscle easily and I know that with my structure and genetics the sky’s really the limit. Also keep in mind that I’ve read EVERY article on this site, many repeatedly, and I have a solid understanding of most topics…EXCEPT longterm periodization.
If my long term goal is to achieve a well balanced look (check out exile-swede’s performance photos link), what long term approach would best fit this goal? I realize I will have to custom cater as I progress, but my #1 weakness is long term goal setting, so any help would be greatly appreciated!