I started lifting at a new gym that said that I could lift there and I could do deadlifts and make all the noise that I wanted as long as I didn’t drop the weights.
Well this morning I managed to get 335 for 4x3 (I know its not that much but thats a different story for another day) and the head trainer at this gym comes up to me and accuses me of dropping the weights even though I didn’t.
He then goes on to waste 15-20 minutes of my training time to give me the following bs comments:
“First of all you shouldn’t lift with such a wide stance. Thats just asking for a hernia”
I was using an extra wide sumo deadlift.
“Secondly you don’t need to start out on the floor I did powerlifting for 15 years and I never lifted from the floor. I just did this (he unracked the bar and did a romanian deadlift)”
Now don’t get me wrong the romanian deadlift is great lift for accesorie work, but safer than a sumo or even conventional deadlift, I don’t think so!
“Ya, I worked my way up to a 485/585 (I cant remember which one he said it was) deadlift for 2reps, had to stop lifting because I was tired of getting injured. So I became a runner.”
Gee, could it have been all those years of putting your lower back through more than it was designed to handle by using it more than your legs and having the weight a good 2-3ft from you so you don’t have as much leverage (which would result in a large amount of pressure in the lower part of your spine)? Now being a trainer, you would think that he would opt for a different technique, but whatever.
I asked him if he had ever competed, and he said that he hadn’t. Don’t get me wrong, Im open to advise, even from a guy has about as much experience at competing as I do (none) if it makes sense. Unlike this guy however, I do my research and am willing to try different things if something isn’t working, its painful, or somebody with more experience gives me advise.
So on to the question, I can’t afford a home gym with everything I need so how do I compensate for this douche bag?