Deadlift Videos - ME Off a Box

Hello all- Here is a link for some max effort work Tom and I did today. This is our second week pulling off of the box.

As I posted previously, I was/am having a bit of a problem remembering to lock my knees out at the top of the lift. What do ya’ll think-would these pass in competition(keep in mind I lift in the USAPL)? The box made it even harder for me to lock out my knees and I was having a hard time holding the bar at the top. Also, it looked like I hitched a bit on the last lift.

I am training for the USAPL Raw Nationals in July in St. Louis.

Also, on an aesthetic note, it is interesting to see how a tight belt makes my modestly prodigious gut appear colossal!

Awesome work, I didn’t think you’d make that 625.

Can’t help you with your form since I’ve never competed.

Good work, very strong pulls.

Its hard to tell as I can’t see the bar, but I don’t think 615 or 625 would pass in the USAPL.