Deadlift Training

Curious if some of you could throw some advice at me. I recently switched to the Westside Conjugate training method about 8 months ago. All my lifts having been making progress except for my deadlift.

My question is how do you guys setup your deadlift day{s}? Any advice on setting up an effective deadlift program?

I currently do my 1 speed day per week for deads. I only pull heavy deads heavy other week but always alternate the deadlift movement. For example, 1 week I will pull from 1 hole showing, the following time I will pull with reverse bands, the following time I will do deficit deads off a 2-4 inch box, ect, ect. From my understanding you do not want to pull heavy all the time because it taxes your central nervous system and will have a negative effect on all of your other lifts + put you at high risk for injury?

Any advice would be great?

Thank you and stay strong!

I’d read and reread storm the Beach’s threads on the westside method. I’m sure you’ll pick up some great tips there as it was extensively discussed. Start here…

Pull as heavy and often as your recovery will allow you to do so. In fact, replace “pull” in that sentence with “squat/bench/lift/fuck/etc” and you have a recipe for success, IMO.

Thanks for the tips. Have you guys had any good luck with accessory exercises that seemed to help with the deadlift?

Thanks for the tips. Have you guys had any good luck with accessory exercises that seemed to help with the deadlift?

I was actually going to suggest you look at your accessory lifts. I feel that which ones “work best” varies a lot from lifter to lifter depending on build, leverages, weaknesses, etc., etc. But, for what it’s worth, the two that helped my dead move forward were SLDL from a deficit (I stand on a 3" block) and barbell rows. Something that seems to matter with the rows is doing them from the floor, setting the bar down on each rep. My weakness has always been starting from the floor; I rarely miss it if I get it to my knees.

LOW box squats,zerkers

I think good mornings with good deep form and high reps helps A LOT. I went from 352 to 375 adding those for a few months. July-October.

Thanks guys. I really appreciate the advice. I will definitely throw in some of the suggested accessory work and see what happens.

My vote goes for good mornings, barbell rows and deficit deadlifts, also heavy ab work. I have no idea why bb rows work, but when I started rowing heavy, like 3-5 reps, I finally broke through the 500lbs barrier. Hope this helps

ive been following my max effort for squats with… Deficit deadlift, pulling against bands, Snatch Grip deadlift, Reverse Band Deadlift, Stiff leg deadlift for a heavy 2 x 5 and a heavy deadlift double then repeat its been working well

[quote]Ngk85 wrote:
Thanks for the tips. Have you guys had any good luck with accessory exercises that seemed to help with the deadlift?[/quote]

Simple. Find exercises that hit the muscle groups hard (and work for YOU) that you need for the deadlift. Lower back, hamstrings, upper back.